grumble grumble grumble

Jul 30, 2009 15:15

WINZ. that should be enough said really. Except... I have seldom had problems with them.

I'd like to avoid the queue and go online... but I need a UserID! grrrr.... so sick of being stuck in a leaky boat, nice they play kiwi music... but the same tracks everytime you ring??!! and I have tried calling them about 6 or 7 times today!!

I'm feeling a little stressed right now as well, with mounting work and mounting responsibility - starting Monday, with litle direction as to how everything will be organised, I feel like I'm about to flip out!! Oh and the issue that i have to present my "Fabulous" fundraising idea to the school BOT tonight... arrrrrgggggggg!!!!!!!!

I have to admit our corporate stress balls are pretty good - I can see why our customers like them :)

and after 13minutes on hold, finally got through, got an online userID etc, & will have 'my' money within 2 days! awesome!!
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