
Jul 31, 2004 19:37, there is no one else scott just for ur sorry im not upto the whole grammer thing..i didnt graduate yet did i? anyhow, i found out some disturbing incidents yedterday night.of some drunken people, some sicking stuff, and some i hate u ..the i hate u is pretty funny. kat refused to hang out in the same group of people yesterday(not like i care), she threw a hissy fit and left..when i saw her riding her bike to ice burg,which is where i was going, she stopped, and turned around. now, i think that that is the most immature thing in the world. i have no problem hanging out with her if needed or talking to her, but shes going to be an ass about everything. i think its funny.
mm..the sicking stuff is not a repeat..something im not supposed to know aboout..woops..the drunkin thing is about someone losing his license and car because he was a idiot and got caught at joey harrisons..i dont want to speak to him in the first place cause he told me to basically fuck off when i said hi to i think he deserved it just me or are most of my friends just not talking to me very much..except for cory cause he's cool and reads these fun filled mind comments..
i think i should hang out wit graeme sometime this week..ive been working and sleeping too much..i need to leave my house..maybe tuesday er wednsday..and by the way i will be in the vasinity od pt beach those two if ya wanna chill let me yeah..i was gonna cal lhim this afternoon, but i fell asleep..and im still really tired..and now i have to go to a family friend b-day so excited and i just cant hide it..
oh this is funny. everytime i usually call graemes house on my phone, the battery never connects, it just dies..i think thats hilarious...its disturbing but hilarious. holy crap this is the second day in a row that im writing in this journal..tahaha..
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