because i felt like it / my only entry ever

Nov 07, 2004 02:28

001. What is your name: Donald
002. Spell it backwards: Dlanod
003. Date of birth: June 30, 1986
004. Male or female: Gie
005. Astrological sign: Cancer
006. Nicknames: Donaldo, Don-Don, Señor Don-Don, The Don, Donnie, Big D, Bibo(retired)
007. Occupation: Student
008. Height: 5'5
009. Weight: 130-140
010. Hair color: Brown
011. Eye color: Brown
012. What is your LJ name: you are a stupid motherfucker arent you?
013. What does your LJ name stand for: quzar is my screen name. I cant recal but it was either taken or too short so i tacked on DC for Dreamcast
014. Pets: none of my own
015. Piercings: nope nope
016. Tattoo's: too white
017. Shoe size: 6-7
018. Righty or lefty: Righty
019. Wearing: jeans + tee
020. Hearing: and watching Chris Rock: Bring the Pain
021. Feeling: Depressed... not on the phone anymore
022. Eating/drinking: Nothing

Boys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff

023. Have you ever been in love: yes
024. How many people have you said 'I love you' to: and meant it in an 'in love with you' way 2
025. How many people have you kissed: 2
026. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: no
027. How many people have you dated: 2
028. What do you look for in a girl: not on the first date!
029. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: hair
030. What type of guy/girl do you usually go for: ...go for or like? i go for obnoxious bitches with severe personality disorders, poor eyesight and who are either really short or tall. i would prefer a sweet pretty girl that will disagree with me, but we would still be ok with it.
031. Do you have a crush right now: could be
032. If so who is it: yea right
033. Do you believe in love at first sight: yes
034. Do you remember your first love: yes
035. Who is the first person you kissed: Kristin Lynsky
036. Do you believe in fate: Kind of
037. Do you believe in soul mates: Amy Scott where are you?!!!!!
038. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: doubtful

~Family Stuff~

039. How many siblings do you have: one sister, three half brothers
047. Do you have a drunk uncle: i have a biker-preacher uncle who is 70, a ptss uncle who takes way too many pills, but no drunk uncle
049. Does someone in your family wear a toupee: not that i know
051. Are your parents divorced: yes
052. Do you have step parents: no

Music Stuff

055. What song do you swear was written about you or your life: there have been some that i feel perfectly descibe points of my life, but nothing in general. one that repeats often is : No Doubt - Don't Speak
056. What's the most embarrasing cd you own: Hanson something
057. What's the best cd you own: i own like 2 CDs, that being said 3 Doors Down - Away From the Sun
058. What song do you absolutely hate: oh there are plenty
059. Do you sing in the shower: at times
060. What song reminds you of that special someone: cristina: sugarcult-pretty girl, 3 doors down - when im gone ; current: too revealing!


061. Color: blue
062. Food: a good salad
063. Song: Beatles - For No One (currently)
064. Show: Futurama
065. School subject: Programming
066. Band/singer/artist: Mindless Self Indulgence / The Beatles
067. Outfit: my smart pants and one of my witty tees
068. Radio station: no radio
069. Movie: Kevin smith anything
070. Pair of shoes: only wear my flipflops
071. Cartoon: Futurama
072. Actor: dunno, prolly harrison ford?
073. Actress: LOHAN!
074. Potato chip: cooler ranch doritos or any of the variations, like pepperjack or spicy
075. Drink: country time lemonade
076. Soda: mountain dew
078. Holiday: right now? thanksgiving.
079. Perfume/cologne: right now? some cheap shit my dad got me.
080. Pizza topping: onions, green peppers, etc typical supreme
081. Jello flavor: orange
082. Lunch meat: salami or summer sausage
083. Card Game: hand and foot
084. Video game: Chrono Trigger
085. Website:
086. Book: I, Jedi
087. Computer game: WolfET
088. Number: ?
089. Cereal: honey cherios
090. Comedian: mitch hedberg
091. Dessert: chocolate, ice cream sandwich
092. Disney character: donald duck
093. Clothing store: none
094. Past time: friends
095. Teacher: Ms. Beem
096. Childhood toy: Apple IIc
097. Carnival game/ride: gravitron!
098. Candy bar: 3 Musketeers
099. Magazine: GI?
100. Salad dressing: ranch
101. Thing to do on the weekend: friends
102. Hot drink: green tea
103. Season: summer
104. Sport to watch: girls?
105. Person to talk to online: her

~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits

197. What color are your sheets? blue
198. What color are your bedroom walls? white
199. Do you have posters on your wall? at home Star wars poster
200. If so of what? here, i need to put up futurama poster
201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? kindah, tv tuner card for PC
202. How many pillows are on your bed? 1
203. What do you normally sleep in? shorts or undies and whatever t-shirt i wore that day or a large old comfy tshirt
204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: uh... helloooo^^^^^
05. What size bed do you have? XL twin... damn college beds
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? stiltbed?
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? not really
208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? sad playlist (beatles, no doubt, 3 doors down, something korporate, wheatus....)
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: only good dreams or nothingness
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? ...pooh-o-philliac?
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? two or three ;)
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? im usually sleeping, so i wouldnt know
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? never have never will hopefully
214. Do you snore? when i have a cold
215. How about drool? if im sick sometimes (you know that deep deep sick sleep? yea)
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? cell
217. What color is the carpet in your room? generic grey industrial carpet
218. What's under your bed? me. stiltbed+desk under it. basically everything i own is under my bed =\

~This or that~

219. WHAT THE FOOK: ?????
220. Donuts/bagels:bagel
221. Day/night: Night
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch off west? east
223. Heaven/hell: not my choice
224. Make love/have sex: Make love
225. Coffee/tea: tea, but only certain kinds
228. Britney/Christina: lydia
229. Swiss cheese/american cheese: american
230. Real World/Road Rules: they both suck
231. Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: see above
232. Silver/gold: plat 'n ice
233. Nike/Adidas: flipflops!
234. McDonalds/Taco Bell: taco bell
235. Sweet/sour: Sweet
236. Punk/emo: both (im a sick twisted motherfucker)
237. Hot/cold: hot
238. Winter/summer: Summer
239. Spring/fall: spring
240. Operas/plays: opera
241. Read/watch tv: both
242. Cd's/tapes: cds
243. Dvd's/vhs: both
244. Old/new: both
245. Shorts/skirts: jeans?
246. Pink/red: pink
247. Colored pictures/black and white photos: sepia
248. Meat/vegetables: depends on the meat or vegetable
249. Mexican food/chinese food: chinese
250. Commercials/infomercials: commercials
251. Scary movies/comedies: comedies
252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: bikinis
253. Sandals/tennis shoes: tennis shoes
254. Dogs/cats: cats
255. Unicorns/fairies: fairies
256. Water/land: water
257. Sugar/spice: spice
258. Black/white: both
259. ribbons/bows: ribbons
260. Chicken/beef: chicken
261. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: white
262. Cars/trucks: cars
263. Austin Powers/James Bond: james bond. i hate austin powers
264. Popcorn/pretzels: popcorn usually
265. Hip/hop: hip
266. Passionate kiss/peck: passionate kiss
267. WWE wrestling/real wrestling: sumo
268. Back rub/foot massage: back rub
269. Picture frames/photo albums: album
270. Pens/pencils: pen

~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~

271. Eminem: do not fuck with slim shadey
272. Virgins: who?
273. God: who?
274. The Osbournes: hurry up and die
275. Reality TV: one or the other
276. J.Lo: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
277. Religion: re whosa?
278. Emo music: a guilty pleasure of mine
279. Valentine's Day: had some good times, but more bad
280. Christina Aguilera's comeback: no you arent beautiful
281. Homosexuals: sup homes?
282. Abortion: mandatory
283. Inter-racial relationships: what is this 1950's compton?
284. Murder: pro-choice
285. Death: mandatory
286. Obesity: your own damn fault
287. Pre-marital sex: 'twas alright
288. Terrorism: pisses me off
289. Pornography: child pornography amy?
290. Fortune tellers: the only credible fortune teller is the kind on one of those booth thingers, like in Big.
291. Threesomes: "what would you do if you had a million dollars?" "Two girls at the same time"
292. Prostitution: if they are good enough to get paid...
293. Politics: huh?
294. Country music: whisky for my men, and beer for my horses
295. George W. Bush: who's yo daddy?
296. Cloning: LOHAN!
297. Britney's boobs: mmmmmmmmmmmmm
298. Gas prices in America: high

~Name Game~

What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
299. Jack: black
300. Tiffany: breakfast
301. Ben: jamin
302. Maria: conchita
303. Jennifer: lopez
304. Nicole: kidman
305. Amy: scott
306. Adam: eve
307. Richard: nixon
308. Justin: timberlake
309. Arnold: hey arnold!
310. Tom: hanks
311. Melissa: joan Hart
312. Charlotte: good
313. Harold: hey arnold
314. John: stewart

Have you Ever....~

331. Mooned anyone? no
332. Been on a diet? yes
333. Been to a foreign country: yes
334. Broken a bone: cracked skull
335. Swallowed a toothcap/filling:no
336. Swear at a teacher: yes
337. Talked to an LJ member via e-mails or instant messages: that i know
338. Got in a fight: yes
339. Dated a teacher:
340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants: no
341. Thought about killing your enemy: yes
344. Told a little white lie: no.
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell: yes
346. Stolen anything: yes
347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: no you damn.
348. Been on TV: not that i know of?!
349. Been on the radio: no
350. Been in a mosh pit: no
351. Been to a concert: no =(
352. Dated one of your best friends: yes
355. Broken the law: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaa, state and federal, even some international
356. Been to a rodeo: yes
357. Been on a talk show: no
358. Been on a game show: no
359. Been on an airplane: yes
360. Got to ride on a firetruck: no
361. Came close to dying: probably
362. Cheated on a bf/gf: no. a dream doesn't count!
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride: yes
364. Terrorized a babysitter: no
366. Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: yes
368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name: no
370. Felt like you didn't belong: here yes, anywhere no
371. Felt like the 3rd wheel: haha, bowling. yes
372. Smoked: no
373. Done drugs: "STOP DOING DRUGS IN MY CLASS!!"
374. Been arrested: no
375. Had your tonsils removed: no
376. Gone to camp: kindha?
377. Won a bet: yea
378. Written a love letter: many
381. Kissed in the rain: its really sexy
382. Slow danced with someone you love: yes
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice: yes
387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf: an enemy, then again it wasnt really theft
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: yes
389. Gotten a speeding ticket: no
390. Done jail time: no
391. Had to wear a uniform to work: no
393. Thrown up in public: no
394. Bowled a perfect game: no
395. Failed/got held back: no
396. Got perfect attendance in grade school: no
397. Roasted pumpkin seeds: yes

Childhood Stuff

401. Did you play with Barbies: nope
402. Did you own Treasure Trolls: yes
403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: no
404. Did you play Simon Says: yes
405. Did you watch Fraggle Rock: always
406. Did you wet the bed: sometimes
407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: never closed my door, creepy wizard on it scraed me
408. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: no
409. Were you shy: hahahhahhahahaha....yes
410. Were you spoiled: no
411. Were you abused: no
412. Did you go to the circus: once
413. Did you go to the zoo: a few times
414. Were you in a car accident: not that i recall/not serious
415. Did you build snowmen: no
416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee: yes
417. Were your older cousins mean to you: nope
418. Did you think slinkies were cool: super-cool
419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really live in the sewer: no
420. Were you afraid of the dark: not specifically
421. Did you have slumber parties: never
422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas: no
423. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: i only now have enough i dont
424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy: yea
432. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: childhood: sleeping beauty ever: i dunno
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently: recently... Dazed and Confused
434. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: austin powers
435. Do you drive: license yes, driving...meh
437. Do you think you're good looking: no
438. Do others think you are good looking: some apparently
439. Would you ever sky dive: no
440. Do you believe in Bigfoot: yes
441. How many rooms do you have in your house: 5 bedrooms
442. Are you afraid of roller coasters: yes
443. Do you believe in God: yes (covering my bases)
444. Do you believe in Satan: yes (covering ALL my bases)
445. Do you believe there is a heaven: the middle english meaning for heaven is sky. yes
446. Do you believe there is a hell: fire and brimstone mmmmm
447. Do you own a pooltable: basement
448. Do you have a pool: everyone knows it =P
449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yes
450. Do you like chocolate: duh
451. Who is on your calender: cmu calendar
452. How many U.S. states have you been to: continental, im only missing new england and west coast
453. Ever wished on a shooting star: yes
455. Do you carry any weapons on you: i have
456. What is your weakness: too cute?
458. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: wimpy short dangerous
459. How many kids do you want to have: less than then the number of times i do her
462. What is your ideal way to die: not die?
463. How do you release stress: stress?
464. Do you consider yourself a trendy person: i had those shoes half a year before anyone else!
465. Are you an artisitic person: not in the least. unless comedy is an art
466. Are you a realistic person?: haha. "im not a pessimist im a realist" - me
467. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: no
468. Are you a strong person: yes
469. Are you a strong willed person: yes
470. Who is the last person to e-mail you: just checked, had 60 spam mails from the same email addy all in my inbox =\
471. Who is the last person to IM you: Ian Edwards
475. What do you believe is your best quality: turkey-cuteness? i think =\
477. Do you like to burn candles or incense: no, i burn gasoline
478. Do you do yoga: no
479. Do you have your own credit card: debit
481. Do you have a check book: yea
482. Do you like your drivers license: no
483. Do you tan easily: burn yes tan never
484. What color is your hair naturally: brown
485. How many fillings do you have: too many
486. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit: 0
487. Worst feeling in the world: loneliness
488. Best feeling in the world: a good hug
489. Is the glass half empty or half full: my glass is dirty =(
490. Last thing you downloaded: sourcecode to stuff
491. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life: not unintentionally.
492. What do you think people think of you: nothing
493. Are you a likeable person: probably?
494. Do you need therapy: probably?
497. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge would they call it FED UP: FED UP SEX
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