Feb 08, 2005 21:20
Dude, (I've been saying "Dude" a lot recently) when I came home from school today, my sister and her friend Jessica were there. My sister is barely home so it was like... OMG OMG OmwtomgWOtmFOmwt fWhaTrUdo1nH3reOMOMfOMgOm11!1
Then after that I decided to go to the mall with them. It's a heck of a lot better then staying home alone like every day, doing nothing. We all ate McDonalds. Jessica is really nice, she went and returned one of her clothes just so she could order for all of us. She always pays for me and my sister. >_< She doesn't need to.
School was a bitch though, well, at least today. Why?
I wanted to slap everybody that would just >>STOP<< right in front of you. I need to get in class, and so do you, so it would be nice to stop talking to your friends and start walking. Is it really that difficult not to talk in class too? It honestly gets really irritating when people can not stop talking and LISTEN to the teacher. Then I actually feel sorry for the friggin teachers, they can't teach because everyone is talking.
And the people that mumble and whisper at the side of your friggin ear. >:-|
Our generation is NO GOOD. The common girl would rather fix her make-up in the middle of class than having the opportunity of being enlightened. And that is one of the many, many reasons on why the World will end, because of human stupidity, ignorance, and materialism. People will only care more for their object things.
Ooh Yeeaaah, I had the WORST stomach ache this morning. Oh God it was AWFUL! I was in the bathroom the whole morning, about to... die. I will not ever, ever, ever eat Flamin' Hot Cheetos before bed, EVER.
Now I am waiting for InuYasha! :-O
So, today was generally an annoying day.