Yearly update! (Closer to the truth than I would like)

Jun 06, 2006 20:26

Again, it is time for an update. I really need to do these more frequently so I can actually comment on everything I want to without writing an entry or the word count of War and Peace. Nevertheless, I am now updating and will try to be brief. :)

Though many of you know, many of you do not, I am getting married on July 24th in Las Vegas. I’m very much looking forward to it. Surprisingly, the arrangements have not been difficult at all and planning has gone quite smoothly. But, I guess that is one of the appeals of getting married in Vegas. Hehe.

So, in a matter on a little over a week, I will attend two cons, get married and have a vacation/honeymoon. Well, I’m nothing if not efficient. So, as you all might imagine, I am very much looking forward to July.

However, before that, I will be traveling to Washington DC for con_txt. Despite it not being Connxions, which was a really fun con, I have great faith that this con will be just as fun if not more because of the people involved and what I have seen in the way of work done prior to the con.

Suggestions for panels has just closed and I submitted a few ideas that will be voted on. I suggested a Star Wars Slash EU panel. A slash at Hogwarts panel. A HP Femslash panel. And, a femslash multi-fandom panel. (Of course, they had wittier titles than that).

I figured doing an HP Femslash panel would help me in my upcoming panel at Lumos 2006 with emmagrant01. Though our panel won’t focus on femslash, it will definitely be an aspect of it and it is right on topic.

The only down side is that June has been a busy month and I’ve been working extra (as has my dear fiancé) to get money for Vegas and such. So I kinda wish that the con had been a couple months ago or was in Oct-ish. But, such is life.

Is anyone going to con.txt? I really haven’t heard too many people who are.

After con.txt and going to a Red Sox game that we won tickets to, the focus will be on Las Vegas and all the fun to be had there. I will be (and likely should have been doing so already) writing some notes and getting ideas together for the panel I will be running at Lumos with Emma, as I mentioned earlier.

The panel: Minor Characters in Fan Fiction and Art: The Fine Line Between Canon, Fanon, and Original Fiction should be a blast to run. With slash in HP focusing quite a bit on secondary characters, we should have no problem talking about in for an hour.

I’m very curious to hear what people have to say on the subject, actually. With so many pairings having almost nothing in the source for characterization, people who read/write them should have pretty strong feelings on the subject.

I was happy to see a femslash panel scheduled for Lumos. At least I know I won’t be alone in my fannish-perversity. ;) I had posted suggesting a femslash get together. Sadly, that seems to be going nowhere despite fuscia’s kind offer to host. Oh well, maybe as we get closer, it can be revisited. It seems this has been a pretty busy summer for a lot of people, so maybe it is merely that.

As far as Con*strict goes, panel suggestions have been made. I pretty much offered to run a femslash panel and offered to help with any SW panel and almost any HP panel. As usual, I’m sure I’ll have a blast. The small size of the con and the “Sleep over” feel make it a lot of fun in a laid back way.

And, considering I am getting married that Monday, I think laid back will be good. Hehe. Plus, I have a week worth of hitting Vegas to do after that and Lumos after that.

Well, I know I’ve made this declaration before. However, there was actually some progress this time before I am making it. I’ve started writing a little bit again. I did about 2000 words on the Lily/Narcissa fic I started for a challenge a few months ago. Plus, some revisiting some WIPs.

The online RPGs I was in died off or are about to die off. So, my time has freed up a bit. As well, despite having fun with them, the shininess has worn off. So, while I’ll likely still play a bit and join a game or 2 in the future, I won’t devote as much time to it as I have for the past couple years.

Sadly, I was unable to pull off writing anything for con ‘zines. But, baby steps.

I joined starwars_slash recently after I began rereading New Jedi Order. I’ve been meaning to post (in a comm.) my Star Wars stories that I was never able to find a home for. So, I’ll be posting those up soon.

I have also, as of today, joined femslash50. This is a challenge community where you pick a fandom, pairing or character and do 50 stories using “writer’s table” that has 48 words to bas fics on/around and 2 are author’s choice.

Since I, like my mom, can’t seem to write anything that is less that 5000 words (or much more), I thought this would be a great opportunity to try and do some ficlets. At this point, I’m figuring about 500 words per story. I’ll be sure to let you guys know how it is going and post some links for those interested.

I’m considering take Star Wars as a fandom. It would give me maximum versatility of pairings and even eras to work with. Plus, I can play with Siri again! Yay! Plus, some of the other pairings I’ve wanted to mess with, but haven’t been able to come up with a bunny for (like Aayla/Barriss).

I’m also considering a couple options in HP, but nothing is setting my world on fire at this point. So, more thinking to do.

Firefly is an option as well, though I think I’d have trouble writing that many fics in FF. Same with Battlestar Gallactica.

For someone who has been so busy, I’ve found that I’ve actually had very little to do. It’s strange. My D&D game is finished and I don’t have a tabletop game to play at this time.

I’ve considered running another game (likely on a much smaller scale). I promised empressith a while ago that I would run a Star Wars game for her, but have yet to deliver. So, a Star Wars game is a good option. :)

Despite myself, I’ve also been considering LARP’ing again. Aralis II is starting in the fall and I’ve been planning to play that. However, my brother has began playing NERO again and another friend of mine has been trying to convince me to play on and off since I stopped.

Now, for those who know me, I fucking hate NERO. The very idea that I would even think about going back means I must be out of my mind. However, I’ve been assured the game is much better now than it has been at most points in its history.

Clearly, I need to do some writing and find something else to do. Only time will tell what I choose, I suppose. Hopefully, a D&D game will start up I can play. That way, I have time to write and something else fun to do without having to try and summon the creativity to write and run a tabletop game and write fanfic.

I saw X3. I must say I was a bit disappointed. It was no X1 and is was NO WAY IN HELL any X2. It really felt like they were far more concerned about the story than the characters in it. The characters felt inconsistent (for those already established) and criminally underdeveloped (for the new guys).

The CGI and stuff was really cool. The action was pretty good too.

Again, it just demonstrates to me that books are my preferred medium for story telling because you can do both; develop characters well and have it be a very character driven story, but not skimp on that story.

Don’t get me wrong, I like movies. I also like TV. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses. But, books just seem to be able to do more for me than either on a consistent basis.

I finished Legacy of the Force - Betrayal by Aaron Allston last night. I can simply state that Star Wars in back! I really enjoy Aaron’s work in general, but this was better than most.

The book had a few minor things I didn’t care for, but that is life. After the Swarm War series I was a little concerned about the direction SW might be taking. But, LotF is quite promising and I can’t wait for more books.

I’m glad to see that after EpIII that SW hasn’t died off (at least in media, fanfic/fandom is another story, perhaps). The comics that are out have been a lot of fun with good stories and good art, overall. The books that have been announced so far also look cool. So, let’s hope they keep going strong!

So, I guess what I’m saying is; even if you were a bit discouraged by Swarm War, jump into LotF!

I should try and do a post about the post with spoilers to toss stuff around. Let’s see if I can pull that off. Hehe. ;)

Well, I think that is it for now. I considered posting some about politics, but frankly the topic is filling me with nothing but disgust lately. Reading online, listening to pundits, etc has left me feeling quite disenchanted. So, once the fires of my liberal rage are adequetly re-stoked, I may do a politics post.

So, more to come soon! (I hope. ::wink::wink:)
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