(no subject)

Aug 25, 2005 07:57

Last night is over(obviously). As usual, there was no cause for concern.

Here's the update I sent to Heidi:

I thought I'd tell you, too, about how my first class went, the stadium one? It turns out I was mistaking the word "seminar" for stadium. I found the class with ease, but then I stepped back out; this couldn't possibly be the class I was looking for... from the front to the back, the entire thing probably measured 20 feet, and 20 people crowded in there was cramped. I'm in love with the professor. He's quirky, loud, funny, and stern in a wierd way. There's no room for having side conversations, 'cause you're always too busy engaging in conversation with him. I'm so excited... this semester's classes are very literature heavy and reading heavy, my fav! This is what I've been waiting for in college.

So that was that. The other AWESOME news is that I only had to buy one book. In my Literary Analysis class, all of the materials will be available online, and in my British Lit class I just have one (humongous) tome, and my mom bought the book for my Child Dev. class. So a hundred bucks compared to 3 or 4 hundred aint (haha, I just wrote "aint"!) bad!

Lets see, what else? Oh yeah.

I will never drive Eric's truck again. I offered to borrow it for Heidi to help her move, and Tuesday afternoon when the time came... I ran over my crazy neighbors flowers. It was a freaking accident, people!  *dramatic sigh* Don't ask how I did it, just know that our parking area is strange and strangled, and he has to park in a precarious way. So I ran over her flowers in his (grunt grunt) Chevy, not even realizing at first what I had done. When it finally donned on me what had happened I was already gone.

I called Eric and told him about it in case she came over and bitched; as soon as I got home I was going to go appologize.

I was just pulling back in around 8:30 when the shit hit the fan. Now, to park his truck, I had to pull all the way to the end of the driveway, make a three point turn, at which point Gene (the nieghbor) must have seen me. After the three point turn, I had to pull back to the front of the drive; She was sitting in her lawn chair staring me down the whole way, like I were a murderer and she was going to attack me the moment I got out. I beat her to the punch.

As soon as I had the truck parked, I ran up to her and started (very sincerely) appologizing... I felt SO awful, (like I said, she's crazy and loves her flowers like they're her children... her "garden" is only about 4 square feet, and has maybe 6 or 8 half-dead flowers) I was SO sorry, and I promised to buy her new flowers and help her replant on saturday. What was her response?

"What were you thinking?" to which I had no answer; only that I never drive his truck and I just didn't see what I was doing. "Well, I was praying for you, that you would come tell me..." Well, that pissed me off. I think it rang my anti-bible thumper alarm, in addition to making me think: what the hell kinda person does she think I am? I'm not some fucking kid who's gonna hide and lie about it...

Of course, I hid my anger and just remained appologetic. Actually, I'm kinda grateful that as time goes on, she's being more and more bitchy about it... it's alleviating all of my guilt about running over her ugly-ass flowers.

Ok, go ahead and laugh, even I see the hilarity of it all.


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