turbulent times

Dec 09, 2008 17:34

I don't know where to begin, but... So much has happened the last time I wrote in this thing.

Guilmon's finally back with us! And... And I hope Jeri does all right getting used to thing around here. And...


*is silent for a while, but then nods determinedly* I promise, we'll get her back somehow, Simon.

Right, buddy? Right, Takato! We're gonna kick those guys butts, right? Right, Takato! That's the spirit! *they high fives each other, and Takato whinces and starts jumping up and down* Ouchouchouchouch...

[Private, hackable for those who can read 12-year-olds' emotions, which is really anyone a few years or more older :P]

I...I-I really hope Jeri doesn't figure out how much I like her. I MEAN AS A FRIEND. Or...do I? Gah, I dunno!! I feel like my head and my stomach are dancing doing the mambo everytime I talk to her! *=_=*;;; *sighs, blushing to himself*

But it's impossible to talk to her with Leomon looming around in the background all the time. >> Everytime I look at him I feel like he's about to squash me like a bug! *sighs* ...I... I do wish I was strong, just like him. I wish Guilmon was strong like him, too.

We can do it! I know we can!

[Public again!]

Guilmon! We're gonna try to get you to digivolve to the next level! *determined*

*cocks head to the side*

rika, domon, kaname, simon, lockon, riki

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