little ball of fire

Aug 11, 2008 10:07

((For at least a few days, Guilmon will be no where to be found; he's in the form of Gigimon, and finally regained consciousness some few hours after being returned to base. He's about the size of a soccer ball. NO KICKING! >8D;;;;))

[Private, hackable to friends he might've been snoopin' around to see how they are]

Guilmon... How could I let this happen to you. How could I...

Takato-mon? Why is there water coming out of your eyes? Are you sad like that other time when I couldn't de-digivolve from Growlmon? Hey, what's wrong? I'm all right, I'm just smaller. See, see? *hops up on Takato's shoulder and starts biting at his goggles*

*sniff* ... *grabs Gigimon and hugs him really tight* I'm sorry, I promise I won't ever let you get hurt again. That's a pretty silly promise. *blinks* Huh...?

Of course I'll get hurt. That's what happens when you fight. But Takato-mon, if I am fighting for you, then I don't mind. You said it yourself, we have to fight to protect everyone. "If we don't, then who will?" is what you said. Right?

... *whipes his tears and smiles a little* ...Guilmon...

*happy smile* Hey you smiled you smiled yaaaaaay!! 8D


I didn't think it was possible, but... Even though Guilm-- I mean Gigimon is smaller...


*scarfing down every last bit of food there is in the kitchen* Yumyumyumyumyum
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