(Note: these posts can be considered to be OOC. They are for player info rather than characters. Also, sorry, I lied, it's a day late.)
Everyone's been working hard since the start of the school year, and all that hard work is about to pay off. This week marks the beginning of Golden Week on the 29th. Rather, the 29th (Showa Day, the birthday of the former Emperor Showa) will be a day off, everyone will come back to school on the 30th, and then a five-day weekend follows! Lucky everyone, it's another break right away! Students may go home or goof off all they like, and teachers get a chance to relax and recover from the beginning of the year. Let's have fun, everyone!
The weather this week will be rainy through Thursday, and then it will clear up just in time for the day off.
(For more info about what's to come, check out the
school calender.)