I've meant to update this for several weeks, and I keep getting too busy! Crunch time of the semester is simultaneously hideous and wonderful. If I don't die, things will be grand!
Spring formal was last weekend, which was, as always, exciting. As per usual, we got horrendously lost (not my fault!), but I think everyone had a good time anyway. Once I get pictures from people (you know who you are), I may post a few amusing ones.
In other wonderful news, on Thursday a bunch of us traipsed all around a good friend's property in the rain and the dusk, getting thoroughly soaked. We ended up taking creepy pictures in the barn and then having deep religious discussions for hours whilst eating peanut butter on crackers, so it was a pretty perfect night. These sorts of things always happen at this time of year...intense work and wringing every drop of knowledge out of your head onto the paper, and intense play and throwing yourself into fun things.
So, it seems to be official now: we are indeed moving. I still have quite mixed feelings about it, but it's definitely the right thing to do. Assuming everything goes well, we will probably be moving the first week of June, if not earlier, to a rental for a short time while we fix up the house we'd like to buy. Of course, yes, another fixer-upper. Apparently we just can't help ourselves. I foresee much hauling of bricks in my future.
Lots of things:
Sufjan Stevens singing The Lakes of Canada.I was really afraid I had made this book up, but it turns out it is real! I read it a very long time ago and I think it has subconsciously been influencing me ever since.
Mike the Headless Chicken. No lie.Dog vs. Balloons. I love how systematic he is about it.
Food Court Musical: the coolest thing you will ever see in a mall. I adore those folks at Improv Everywhere.
Jerry the dachsund has mastered what many people never achieve: the ability and intelligence to entertain oneself.
Let me in.Geeky: a clip from one of my favorite Star Trek episodes.
Killing the myth once and for all: the Inuit do not, in fact, have 100 different words for snow.
The Angel of Mons - I just heard this story for the first time a few weeks ago, but it's kind of interesting.
The ravens of the Tower of London. Fascinating!
I always wished they could fly!This is amazing, although apparently it's been around for a while. I can't even begin to fathom the implications...I mean, this would mean that elephants (or at least this one) can translate 3d into 2d, conceive of a subject and hold it in its mind, use perspective, and a whole slew of other things, if it's not just copying it from somewhere. Even if it is, that's pretty amazing.
Gleeful, if perplexing. Books lately: I am enjoying A Short History of a Small Place by T.R. Pearson very much. The literature we're reading for Southern American Lit is in the same vein, and I'm surprised by how fascinated I am by it. I highly recommend I Am One of You Forever by Chappell and A Gathering of Old Men by Ernest Gaines, both very excellent. Horton Foote's plays are less appealing to me (I think I have problems with his dialogue). Paradise Regained isn't half so interesting as Paradise Lost. I came across a wonderfully-titled book called It Wonders Me: A Fantasy Almost, but alas, it was not nearly as good as its title. I have high hopes for a tiny, tiny green and gold book of poetry that I found by accident while I was supposed to be getting books for yet another research paper...will report.