Jan 12, 2010 00:06
just one semester
Four quick, easy, painless months
Survive them, enjoy the peace and simplicity of Angola
Fight the hell of NFTA metro's evil ways
Get my GPA back to where it belongs
Ignore the male gender when it comes to sex.
Drink less, party less, get in shape.
Four months, that's it
Save money, work hard, gain back parent's trust.
In four months, Mac and I can get a beautiful apartment
Find a lovely blend of secruity and the college lifestyle
Have a glorious summer of concerts, parties and travel.
I know what it is I want, and to get there, I just need to suck it up for one semester.
Get in, get out, quick fucking about, yoho yoho yoho.
I am excited to see Brady and Feeney tomorrow, this past week has been so uneventful, so routine, its making me feel sick the same way spending too much time in a department store does.
I am taking these four months, one at a time
Jan...Finish intra-semester, finish incompletes, tell dad I moved, find a job out in Angola, start work study, start classes.
Feb.. Scavenger Hunt, get routine down, Toronto trip with Mac
And that's all I've got thus far. But I am going to make this work.