A Patient Man (9a/?)

Feb 19, 2013 14:44

Title: A Patient Man (9a/?)
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Characters (Chapter Specific): Hooker!Jared, Mysterious!Jensen, Tom, Mike, Misha
Pairings: Eventual Jensen/Jared, Tom/Mike
Summary: History would remember this tale as the rise of two of the world’s most notorious criminals, but to them it was a story of love forged between two broken teenagers that lasted a lifetime.
Warnings (Chapter Specific): Brief mention of rape and violence
Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I know Jared, Jensen or any other recognizable person. They belong to themselves and this never happened. Also, I am not making any money from this. The OMCs, the plot and the world they live in are, however, all mine.
AN: This is kind of a dark fic. The opinions of some of my more evil characters, are not my own, they are evil and this is fiction. Also, I messed around with everyone's ages, so Jared is around 16, Jensen 17, and Tom and Mike are closer to 18
Beta: charlio4444 Any mistakes are still mine, though, because I like to tinker and add things to chapters after I get them back.

Chapter Nine: Part A

The scent of sex and blood lingered, thick and heavy, in the stale air. A heavy silence settled over them. It was dark around the edges of the room, but a bloody tableau was spotlighted in the center of the room.

What…what just happened?

The room slowly emptied. Their pimp strutted smugly from the couch. “I think we’ve all learned our lesson,” he proudly said and patted a stunned Jared on the cheek. One by one, their heads weighed down with shame, the whores followed, until only four of them were left. Too shocked to believe this really could have happened, Jared stood rooted to the spot, unable and unwilling to move and find out this wasn't really just a dream.

Gasp…cough, cough…wheeze…

“It should’ve been you,” Jake’s voice said. Reality slapped him in the face hard enough to knock the air out of his lungs.

I know, Jared thought, but kept his head hung and his mouth shut.


“If it wasn’t for Jensen’s protection, it would have been you.”

His next breath stuck in his throat. The statement shook him, but he didn’t show it, couldn’t if he tried. His chest heaved with the effort to draw in air.


Gasp….......….……wheeze… “Mikey,” sob, “don’t…”

“You think you’re so special, you think there’s something better out there, but you’re just a whore. You’ll always be just a whore.”

Jake solemnly left the room. For the fourth time in his short life, Jared's entire world shattered.

The bloody tableau still stood before him: a devastated young man crying tears of anguish as he rocked the body of his dying lover. Mikey gasped, wheezed, and then fell silent, still.

“NO!” Tom’s devastated cry tore through the stillness like the cry of a wounded wolf. It tore Jared from his shock and he fell to his knees next to the tragic scene. Tom’s eyes stared at him desperate and pleading, terrified.

Jared had watched his father pass away from cancer. He'd known the minute it was over, but it still took four long days for his heart to stop beating and his father to finally be at peace. There at the end, in his final hours, his father’s eyes were glazed over, skin ice cold, extremities slowly turning purple and his chest haltingly jerked with each forced breath.

He looked just like Mikey did now.

He crawled forward on his knees to the lifeless form of his friend and reached out to feel for a heartbeat, but a hand slapped him away.

“Don’t touch him!” a scathing voice hissed. Tom terrified eyes turn to burning fury. He clutched his boyfriend tighter to his chest and pulled Mike away from Jared’s outstretched hand.

“He needs a hospital,” Jared tried to reason.

“So, I’ll take him to one,” Tom angrily spat.

“I can help,” Jared pleaded.

“We don’t need your help.”


“No!” he shouted and pushed Jared away. “I told you this would happen! I told you to stay away from Jensen and you wouldn’t! This is all your fault!” he sobbed. "You've taken away the only thing that meant something to me."


“I don’t want to hear it!” Tom screamed. He held Mikey tightly in his arms, guarding him closely. “Just leave!”

“You need help,” Jared argued.

“Go!” Tom yelled.

And so Jared did. He left. Tom was right. This was his fault and he had no right to stay after what had happened, after the damage and devastation he'd caused. Just before he fled out the front door, he hesitated and turned for one more look at the sobbing boy gently cradling his beaten boyfriend. Tom’s pain was raw, a stab wound with the knife still sticking in it, twisting, wrenching, scarring. This was on Jared. Street kids like him knew better than to believe in something better.

But Jared just never learned.


Not for the first time, Jared felt like walking - away from everything he’d ever known, to a place where he finally belonged and felt wanted -finally free from the chains of his past. He felt like running - down the street, past the city limits and to the ocean- far away from his problems. He felt like a baby bird on the edge of the nest, waiting to dive off and take flight for the first time.

Only he never took that final step. There was no place to run. The grass was not greener on the other side, because there was no other side. There was nothing better, and nothing worse, than where he already was. Wherever he ran to, his problems would only follow and new ones would only arise and Jared would be in the exact same position he’d always been in….alone.

He ended up at the pier hours and hours later, with no idea how he got there or where he’d been since he left the whore house. This was the place he took Jensen on their first date, this was his solace, his comfort zone, the only place he had left to go.

He lied down on the pier and huddled in on himself and, with the bitter wind whipping across his chilled skin, fell fast asleep.

He woke sometime during the night, confused and disoriented. The moon was high in the sky and his skin was so chilled he couldn’t feel his hands or feet. Shivering, he rubbed them together, but couldn’t make them warm again.

He didn’t deserve to be warm anyways.

His mother always told him he was worthless. He was starting to think maybe she was right.

Something soft and warm was placed gently over him and for the first time, Jared noticed he was not alone. A quiet figure was sitting crossed legged next to him.

He jerked into a sitting position and backed away until his numb mind recognized the person.

“I’m starting to think you’re stalking me.”

His visitor gave him a lopsided grin.

“If anything, it would be the other way around,” Misha responded as he flicked his cigarette butt into the calm sea. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“I’ve got nowhere else to go,” he said. Once more he was homeless, hapless, abandoned, and with no one to blame but himself.

Misha’s shoulders slumped.

“I know about Tom and Mike.” He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and rolled it between his fingers. “It’s not your fault.”

It was hours after the incident and he didn’t even know if his friends were still alive His heart twisted painfully. Misha was wrong. Jared really fucked up this time. “Did- did you know? About Jensen’s protection?”

“Everyone knows,” he shrugged and lit the cigarette. “It’s kind of obvious.”

“I didn’t.” Jared turned away from Misha. “I didn’t know and I should have. I would have been more careful, I wouldn’t have skipped work, I wouldn’t have…None of this should have happened.”

He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Knowing wouldn’t have changed anything.” Misha pushed Jared so hard he fell flat on his back and then Misha lied down on the pier next to him. Most of the stars were obscured by the city’s pollution and what few could be seen were covered by clouds, but Misha still stared up into the night sky as if he could see every last one of them, out to the very end of the universe. "It would have happened no matter what you did."

"I don't believe you," Jared whispered and curled into a ball on his side.

Misha sighed sadly.

"Remember when I told you that there was more going on in this city than you knew?"

"Yeah?" Jared miserably sniffled and flopped onto his back so he could pitifully stare at the only friend he had left.

"The balance of power has shifted,” Misha explained, but Jared didn’t know what that meant. “War’s coming. Sooner or later we were all going to be swept up in the catastrophe.”

“A gang war?”Jared curiously asked.

“Something a little more important than that. ”

“I think you’re being a little over-dramatic,” Jared sighed and curled into Misha’s warmth.

Misha smirked. “Maybe.”

“You just like fucking with me, don’t you?”

"I don't know, you puked before I could try," he said and threw Jared a wry grin. Jared really wished he could remember that drunken night at the thrift store.

"You should leave," Misha said after a few moments of silent contemplation.

"No," Jared petulantly argued and hugged Misha closer.

"It's dangerous here," Misha insisted.

"Then what are you doing here?" he asked Misha with a yawn.


"You're a prostitute working an abandoned pier?"


"Okay," Jared sarcastically said and yawned again as his eyes drifted closed.

"You need to leave," he heard Misha say from someplace far away. "It's not safe for you to be alone."

But Jared ignored him and fell fast asleep. He was just so tired.

He really should have listened to Misha because the next time he woke, there were three large men staring down at him as if he was their prize.

Chapter Nine: Part B

a patient man, jensen/jared, supernatural rps

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