under the cut are brief reviews of:
The Crazies
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
a short rant about The Wolfman
The Oscars
RDJ on Jimmy Kimmel
the new Iron Man trailer!!!
The Crazies looked so intense in the trailer. I was sort of expecting and HOPING for this balls out rampage of zombies and blood and gore and real scares. I was also sort of afraid it would cross that line of TOO gruesome. Because there is a line in horror movies. Some, like Cabin Fever, make it to that point of incredibly shocking, showy horror, but the story still stays tasteful and watchable. Last House on the Left, on the other hand, crosses that line with the explicit rape and endless fight scenes. So where does that leave The Crazies? The movie was actually a better than I thought it would be. The acting was acceptable and the dialogue was actually pretty decent. I thought the main guy was pretty fucking hot but he was a little skinny for a police officer. actually, both of them were. One of my MAJOR criticisms is that only the doctor and the sheriff get out? Really? Why didn't they get the disease? He got cut and who knows what else with all the sick blood and she was surrounded by all those sick people but neither of them caught it. He was even in the bog right where the plane went down! But anyway, the people/zombies were LEGIT scary and the action was easy to follow. It's always nice when a movie makes actual sense. The bomb at the end may have been a bit much, but the last scene, as they entered the next town, was exceptional. It just exuded helplessness and hopelessness in the face of disease and government. I thought it was so touching and bittersweet. Near perfection, especially for a horror movie.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, however was far from the same plane. Yeah the guy was hot (for someone who is actually my age) and it was based on a book I enjoyed and thankfully, the ages of the kids were raised, but everything else fell flat. Okay, yes, this is a kid's movie. Not even a teen movie, but a kid's movie, right? But still, that doesn't explain diverging from the book in an extreme way when the book made sense anyway. It doesn't explain why the main actor had two faces, one of confusion and one of indignance. And it doesn't explain why everyone's fucking eyes were blue. Even if that doesn't really matter. The point is, if I were making the movie, I would have made a lot of different choices. I would have included more romance, even if it was just flat kid's romance, but SOME romance because it was obviously there. Pretty much, if you like Logan Lerman and you like the book series or you are under the age of thirteen, see the movie. If not, I'd recommend passing and seeing something with some actual value.
Well, in between those two movies, I had the privilege of watching the last fight scene in The Wolfman again. And by privilege, I mean it was torturous as fuck. Everything about that fight scene is awful. Like GODAWFUL. It is edited so poorly I was embarrassing to watch it again. ACTUALLY EMBARRASSED. yeah, forget the fact that the makeup looks so campy that this could be a movie from the 70's and just focus on how the clips are put together so badly that it is not even cohesive. That's like if I was filming a fight scene where the villain gets pushed off a roof and the protagonist looks out the window to see if he went spat and then the villain jumps out of the sky to kill everyone all over again, even if those people were dead. IT'S THAT AWFUL. also, the hair the wolfman gets when he changes should not RETRACT back into his face. It should fall out. it's an opinion but I believe it's valid.
Now, onto the Oscars. which i just recently learned are also called the Academy Awards. I didn't get to watch them the night of because of a myriad of homework, but I got around to watching them last night. I thought NPH's little song was HILARIOUS. it put me in a good mood, which was probably its objective because next came Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. They had some pretty okay jokes but it got old fast kind of like them, especially the staring at George Clooney. ummm how is it possible for him to be that attractive. DAMN. The awards were great and blah blah blah. Congrats Christoph Waltz and Star Trek for Best Makeup!!! I fast forwarded through all the speeches. i enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes soundtrack dance, though the "Discombobulate" video is much better. also, needs moar RDJ. he and Tina Fey were funny, though. Probably the second brightest highlight after Ben Stiller in the Avatar outfit. Despite the fact that I actually yelled at Ben Stiller to get off the stage at my TV, him yelling at James Cameron in Na'vi was fucking hilarious and i think the "the show is a little Hitler heavy" joke was the funniest of the night. and congrats Kathryn Bigelow :)
After the Oscars, I watched RDJ on Jimmy Kimmell and only RDJ. I don't care for any talk show hosts except for Conan, Craig Ferguson, and Steven Colbert. However, Jimmy got some good pokes in there and the two of them were hilarious. RDJ is one of the most respectable and genuine while also being funny actors I've ever seen.
The Iron Man 2 trailer. OMFG. OH MY FUCKING GOD. i can't fucking wait. I mean, i would feel this way about the movie without the trailer, but something about that first viewing of the trailer was so exciting and so crazy that i want to be waiting in line for that movie as soon as possible. I love the new components they are adding the story. I don't know anything about the comics, so Whiplash and Hammer are completely new to me but they seem to be the perfect type of evil to make this movie deliciously dark. can May 7th come any faster, please!
-An Education
-Up in the Air
-The Blind Side
-District 9
-The Hurt Locker (i guess?)
-Less Than Zero
-The Soloist
-Weird Science
-A Scanner Darkly
-Chances Are
-Good Night, And Good Luck
-Natural Born Killers
-Hearts and Souls
-Air America
-The Incredible Hulk
I also went to a court case today for government. How can a case about arson, murder, robbery, rape and sodomy STILL be boring? that doesn't seem possible, but somehow it is. :/
Also, in psychology right now, were are presenting the different theories of personalities. Each group has to choose a famous person to analyze using our theory. Our group chose Oprah, another did Kurt Cobain, another Kim Jung. The group that went today, made up most of the annoying contributers to the class, decided to analyze none other than Robert Downey Jr under the biological perspective. after a brief moment of "IS THIS REAL LIFE?" i continued to listen to their analysis, which included a brief history of his life, some of which i had never even heard. Though i was pleased to hear the guy next to me whisper to the Kurt Cobain girl "that guy's a G, though," i was sort of upset by their explanation. They came up with all this crap about norepinephrine levels and testosterone and serotonin when he felt addicted blah blah blah. and THEN they proceeded to say "Oh, and this is only our theory from the biological perspective. He probably doesn't have all these problems" ugh. they were already annoying enough as it is, but now they failed to mention how he recovered from addiction and alluded to severe chemical imbalances.
not that i have any actual knowledge on the matter.
it was just very surreal.