Please write a ficlet based on the quote, "After all, tomorrow is another day." ~ "Gone With the Wind"
It can either include the quote or simply be inspired by it, but it must be at least 200 words long. In your email, be sure to answer the following:
1. Your Mun Journal
2. Your Muse Journal where the prompt answer can be found
3. A thorough description of your muse's canon. (Not all mods are familiar with all fandoms)
4. Your Email that you wish to use as your contact
5. Your "name" that you wish to be referred to in the community
1. Your Mun Journal
2. Your Muse Journal where the prompt answer can be found
3. A thorough description of your muse's canon. NOTE: Any OC found to be of the Mary Sue or Gary Stu variety will not be allowed in the comm, so please be descriptive in explaining your OC and the universe that he or she is from.
4. Your Email that you wish to use as your contact
5. Your "name" that you wish to be referred to in the community
Prior to acceptance, the muse journal will be checked to see that the muse name and fandom are listed, as well as a small note stating that it is part of the
quotable_muse community. A standard disclaimer will be required for all canon characters.
Please send the application email to quotable.mods at gmail dot com. We will let you know through email within four days whether or not the muse is yours. Please write "QM Application" in your subject title. Do not press the click to join button. The mods will send an invitation to you through email if you have been accepted. If you simply wish to watch the community, click the "friend" button instead.