It will take you roughly an hour to finish (if you don't finish it you will be missing the point); it may require much more time to fully grasp the implications of it (I'm not sure I ever will).
Autism: Getting The Truth OutIf you read this message because you are on my Friendslist, and especially if you do not consider yourself autistic, I would
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The author has written (and may write more) replies to the guestbook comments; these may help clarify some points or make them more explicit.
As to being "horribly uninformed" - people say similar things to me quite often, and I am never quite sure what they mean. It could be they have never seen disability in a social and political context, as opposed to only an individual and medical one; I'm afraid it often means they believe I am placing a demand on them to know (or learn) how my particular disability "works". In fact I only demand this of people I have to rely on for practical matters; from others I only ask that my person and rights be respected. Educating them on the subject of disability politics is meant - among other and greater things - to prevent me from having to constantly explain what my rights are, and why I wish to be seen as a person (instead of, for instance, someone's "charity project", as is apt to happen in a Christian environment).
I hope the above doesn't make me come across as underestimating your intelligence or lecturing or something of that nature; but you said little, and I want at least to understand the little you said. :)
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