Who could've guessed this turned emotional when all our characters are PERSONIFICATIONS of EMOTIONS!

Aug 27, 2024 15:35

This is a post MADE FOR ADULTS. It has explicit discussion of violence, suicidal ideation, mental illness, eating disorders, sexuality, abuse (including noncon and dubcon), mind/mood altering substances, and mature artwork of characters from Omori who are teen and preteen characters. The art was not made as to pointlessly sexualize the characters but rather as a mechnism to explore trauma and difficult feelings that I had as a teenager. Not all of the images may seem tasteful and I don't owe you my full traumatic backstory to justify it.

Please read the warning and take it seriously to decide if you would be uncomfortable with the content described or not. If you read those warnings and decide to click to read more anyways, then that is your own fault and I will not be taking responsibility for it.


Early August I was looking at The Cutting Room Floor page for Omori because those always have interesting information. A lot of the stuff in there is very interesting, I'd recommend checking it out (there is an uncensored HellMari in there so keep your eyes open for that if you're easily scared by those things like me). While looking through it I came across this set of assets:

So the assets here are a bunch of temporary ones used for beta testing buttons in the game, two developer sprites, and a purple version of Sunny!

This got me curious, because I'd seen people draw fanart of "Purple Sunny" as I called it. I'd seen it enough I wondered- before I finished the Hikikomori Route- if it was actually in the game or not. Then when I finished it, I decided it must've been a popular fanfiction or something like it, because I'd seen multiple different artists who had no interaction with each other draw it. It must have some significance!

The Cutting Room Floor did give me a clue in this description, though:

Omoriboy? I know everything about Omoriboy, and I'd never seen a character like this! (Also why did they call it a manga?) Had I missed something somewhere? I started looking online, but nothing I found was very fruitful. So I asked my new friend Phantasmalva I had recently made who's been a fan of Omori for many years and I remember had DRAWN this character once before if they knew anything about it. They provided me with this clip from one of Omocat's livestreams:

image Click to view

The full video is very interesting and I recommend all of it if you're interested in Basil's history!

Relavent parts, though, turns out "Flower" was not a purple version of Sunny, but an early version of Basil that happened to look like Sunny because he had short black hair instead of puffy blond hair. Definitely a good change because he looked way too similar to Sunny before.

This did get me thinking though, what if there WAS a purple version of Sunny in headspace post ending?

This post will have a lot of Discord screenshots get used to it

If you've been following my LJ posts you know I've been slowly developing this idea of an Omori post-ending story, stuff about how Omori continues to exist as well as Basil still hanging around... That's the continuity my version of "Flower" was introduced in. It's during this era where Headspace Basil is trying to rehibilitate Omori into being something less destructive, since they can't get rid of him, so they should try to make him something that isn't destructive. Just the status quo of the three of them (Sunny, Omori, and HS Basil who I sometimes called "Strange" or "Gray").

Things REALLY got serious when he recieved a name

Then, shortly after, the first picture of him:


First ever script we made of him that I drew just for this post

From there we discussed more and more about Tulip, what his dynamic in headspace would be, what he's doing here, who he is, ALL THAT.

Omori wants him dead but cannot kill. Tulip is unkillable, not like the Friends from previous headspace where they'd only be toast and their skeletons would litter the land he's an aspect of Sunny much in the same way Omori is. If Omori were to stab him, he WOULD probably bleed, but it's space sky blood and soon after multiple flowers bloom over the cut and when they fall off it's healed

He's REALLY corny if you haven't noticed

I like the asthetic inverse that happened it's cute. Tulip's sweater is meant to be the same teal as Dreamworld Basil's hair, since Tulip adopts a lot of aspects Sunny finds cute in Basil. Also the purple Sunny sprite in the files wears a teal sweater that is literally the exact same color as Basil's sprites, but I only found that out later

Tulip is made of Sunny's lovesick feelings for Basil he repressed because he felt like he didn't deserve to feel love, yet felt it anyways. Whenever he got into one of his moods he'd disassociate from himself so he could enjoy the feeling guilt free. This eventually ended in Tulip appearing as a distinct being in Headspace, who can express all of Sunny's deep burried fantasies without having guilt about it.

Tulip represents Sunny's relationship with desire in the same way Omori represents his guilt. His stories within Headspace are allegory, and I'll get into it more as I post more of the drawings.

Tulip summary

As I thought more about his design I decided it would be very cute and gay if I gave him hetrochromia, so one of his eyes was a heart eye. After this test drawing I swapped it so that the sclera was white and the iris was pink so it was more jarring.

In later drawings I give Tulip all of the same scars as Sunny (I didn't immedietely because none of these were serious drawings I spent any more than thirty minutes on), but I never considered actually making him only have one eye like Sunny. The reason is because people who have seen all their lives that go blind will still sometimes have vision in their dreams, so Sunny still imagines himself with sight. At the same time, I wanted it to be represented in some way, and this was very cute and striking.

Then I actually commit to the clothes swap lol

Sweater is in fact too comfy

I only VERY VERY RECENTLY explained this character to Error and showed him these early drawings. He knew that the lines were just supposed to be part of his body or whatever but also find the idea of him wearing sexy underwear really funny and drew this

I didn't intend that but I cherish this image so it's canon now you just don't normally see it because sweater too big

One idea I had was that Tulip has his own sketchbook like Omori does and it's full of pictures that Sunny threw away (HOW DID YOU GET THOSE??) and he's very embarrassed about it

Tulip has 0 shame at all and just unabashadly exists as himself stating what he enjoys and likes and wants with absolutely zero care for how he is perceived. and Sunny isss very embarrassed by him because everything Tulip Says is a thought he has had, he recognizes everything he's saying and it's terrible being exposed lol. SOMETIMES THIS MEANS TULIP CATCHES HIM OFF GUARD

He has far too many internal conflicts to have a normal dream horny or not

THIS is where things got much more solidified. Now I can finally explain. Yeah most of the arrows are purple, Sunny is horny af, you should be used to that idea by now. The nuanses are in the interlaced colors.

Sunny & Tulip - Tulip is the personification of Sunny's desires so while Sunny does like him he also tried to lock these feelings away in the first place because he feels as though he is undeserving of love despite everything. Tulip forcing him to face his internal thoughts and fantasies makes them easier to engage with but also makes him feel like a gross pervert.

Sunny struggles with the idea that your thoughts alone don't make you a bad person, only your actions. Any intrusive thought can be had and it means nothing about you, only if you actually hurt someone. The same applies to sexual fantasies- and especially fantasies as those are naturally opposed to morality. (Contrapoints "Twilight" video is a long very thorough analysis of this very point and I recommend it if you like longform videos and want to learn more about this topic (I'm in the credits lol).)

Sunny & Basil - Dream Basil is the personification of Sunny's hope as I explain extensively in my Stranger Essay (which was originally here then I crossposted to AO3 yay lol). Basil was the reason that Sunny forced himself to stay alive during the worst years of his life, and now he starts to reflect the real Basil more as he spends more time around him. Post ending he works as motivation for Sunny to keep taking care of himself, because if he doesn't that'll hurt Basil!

Omori & Sunny - Omori is the personification of Sunny's guilt. He is cruel and hurts people who can only yearn for his love, and never hate him, as a representation of how Sunny vilifies himself in his head. Post ending, when there is no more running from the truth, where Sunny has instead decided to embrace the truth and no longer escape to Headspace, Omori can no longer complete his purpose and is instead stuck fully understanding himself and live with the guilt.

Omori is grief. Omori is Sunny's lingering self hatred. Omori is Sunny's feeling of wanting to return back to a time he meant nothing to no one. Omori doesn't die because Sunny still feels the itch to return to him.

Character wise, Omori does not hate Sunny. It's his job to protect him, but his idea of protection at this point is pain. Sunny still loves Omori back, because Omori was really important to him for so long, but he's mad at Omori because Omori keeps hurting him.

Tulip & Basil - Tulip was born from Sunny having gay ass dream sequences while he was awake hanging out with Basil, imagining him and Basil going on really cute little garden adventures bc he was so lovesick about him. Tulip x Basil is pure wish fulfillment. The most unfiltered expression of Sunny's love and he's EMBARRASSED by it.

Tulip & Omori - Omori hates Tulip and wants him dead. When I described Sunny not being able to embrace Tulip because of his self hatred, his self hatred is literally Omori. Sunny doesn't think he deserves to find love and heal after all the horrible things he did, Omori doesn't think Sunny deserves to move on, so he's always trying to kill or hurt Tulip.

Tulip, however, despite being constantly violenced doesn't hold it against Omori. In fact he has a lot of fondness for him! A lot of it overlaps with Sunny's reasons for still liking Omori (the protector) but a lot of it is stuff that Sunny is only subconsiously aware of until Tulip just says it outloud

I sometimes jest their relationship is similar to the one shown in this Deathnote parody, and I'm planning to make an animatic for them based on one of these videos like that one lol.

Omori & Basil - Omori has a love/hate relationship with Basil because Basil was Sunny's entire world and reason for staying alive but also the reason that the truth kept getting dug up over and over again- because Sunny's idea of Basil was unchangably intertwined with the truth.

Post ending Omori has... Somewhat... made peace with this, since the truth is out there now and there is no way to go back anymore, thus no reason he has to kill Basil with the red eyes anymore. Omori is harmful, he embodies all of Sunny's self hatred and only continues to exist because of Sunny's trauma. Basil is the healer, the reason Sunny continues to get better. Omori and Basil having as sweet a relationship as they sometimes have represents how Sunny may feel guilty but isn't opposed to healing.

This all has to do with the continuing idea of Omori feeling "left behind" in the good ending. Omori represents Sunny feeling like he isn't allowed to heal, like he deserves to go back to being alone because he's a bad person.

Omori represents Sunny's grief, and specifically his fear that him moving on and being happier with the rest of his life means he's forgetting Mari. He killed her, he shouldn't be allowed to move on, how dare he have fun and friends and love without being sad about Mari. Why does he deserve to have good things? Omori feels weak. He sees how he has less and less power over Headspace, sees how Sunny favors others above him, sees Sunny moving on, and sees it all as "grief getting smaller". Omori thinks he's going to disappear, slowly watching himself decay.

But you might notice from the chart... Everyone loves Omori!

If Sunny saw Omori upset he would immediately go to comfort him, because as upset with Omori as Sunny may be, the idea of Omori disappearing or dying really scares him.

Sunny understands that his grief will always stay with him, even if he tries to get rid of it. Sunny knows if Omori disappears, his grief is still going to be there, it's just going to manefest differently, maybe into something that doesn't love him.

Then later clarification

The ideal situation is Sunny learning it's okay for him to move on from his trauma and heal, that it's not disrespecful or wrong to Mari. He can live and grow and be happy, and that doesn't mean he's a bad person that deserves to be hurt over it.

All that I made in 2 days there's actually a lot more but thankfully now that you know the context I won't need to go into as many paragraphs about all of them. REST OF THE ART does still take place before Omori's sad boy breakdown probably.

The sweater basically just makes whoever smells it think rly happy thoughts like gay romance and stuff. It doesn't work on Tulip bc he's like that 100% of the time, it works on Sunny but he can snap out of it, and it absolutely just melts Omori's brain bc he does not have cute thoughts normally ever because he's so guilt ridden he can never feel that way normally

It's used in "Emergencies Only" to make Omori stop being violent. This power quickly does get abused to make him docile whenever they want.

I wasn't sure if I wanted Tulip to feel other emotions for a while, it was a debate, but I decided it'd make a lot more sense if he could bc he's feelings Sunny represses, not JUST gayness. I've been sketching out an emotion chart but I'm not there yet lol

I also drew this one for Tulip's 1 week birthday


Banned from watering flowers they'll mutate into gay flowers


Also they all have shipnames

Sunflower - Basil identifies with sunflowers which he says always face the sun and he wants to be like that it's rly gay
Moonflower - Replace "Sun" with "Moon" because Omori instead of Sunny, and moon flowers in real life can be known as "angel's trumpet" or "datura" and datura is a hardcore deliriant that sends you to mental hell if you injest it

Omosun - You could also call it "Mindfuck" if you're not a coward but unfortunately that tagging gets censored on many websites. I just see Omosun as the most popular ship name so I have to use it.
Nightshade - Nightime + Stranger looks like a shadow, nightshade is a poisonous plant, I gushed over this name in the past lol
Sunshade - I actually think the fandom uses a different name but I like Sunshade because it's like Nightshade. But Sunny. and sunshade is a thing. Awesome.
Daffodil - Otherwise known as Narcissus
Private Tab - Computer + Shame + Porn
Black Tulip - Like White Tulip but inverted. In real life black tulips are rare and are actually really dark purple tulips.
Dandelion - Tulip x Basil is PURE wish fulfillment. Sunny's love and hope together is pure wish fulfillment fluff and desires without barriers. Dandelions represent healing, which is what that ship represents, and also they're considered a weed. Omori would call Tulip a weed, but Sunny in general is trying to repress his feelings and finds Tulip exposing his love for Basil "inconvenient and annoying". like a weed.

Also a reference to this art by Omocat

Others not on the list
"Flowercrown" Basil/Sunny/Omori - Sunny and Omori have a fixation on Basil wearing flower crowns, "crown" also means head
"Sunflower crown" Basil/Sunflower - Too much to get into for this post. Sunflower is like if Sunny fronted Basil. Don't worry about it.
"True Mindfuck" Tulip/Omori/Sunny - My joke shipname I haven't actually told anyone lol you can guess why it's called that

Credits to Morny and Malva for helping come up with several of those shipnames ✨


Blue Lineart
His concept started out as "Sunny but purple" because that itself was an intriguing image on its on. "OMORI" uses colors as part of how it tells its story, everything in the dreamworld having bright purple as a primary color signifies its cutsey nature, how it's unnatural, and Omori constrasting it shows how he's not fully able to blend in or engage. It's something you never stop noticing no matter how many dozens of hours you've played.

Late in the game you learn that everything is purple because Mari wanted to dye her hair that color. Sunny imagines everyone with purple hair as a way of granting her wish of having purple hair in Headspace. ...Because of this strong association, I didn't feel like it would make sense for the dream world to continue being purple after the good ending where Sunny is moving on from her death. So, after looking into it, I decided to change everything to blue instead because it still has the same unnatural cutesy asthetic purple does, and because of Basil's Meadow (something I plan to write about soon you'll see it as chapter 2 here).

His right eye matches Sunny's and Tulip's heart eye was explained it earlier- Sunny still imagines himself seeing through it in his dreams even if he physically can't, it's jarring, it's a heart eye, it's cute. He also has the same scar Sunny has, except it's edited to look like a heart instead of just a slice. The scar is very important as it contains a lot of Sunny's emotions towards Basil... That's a lot to get into right now, maybe I'll wait for the blog to explain that one.

Also mascera real it runs down his face when he cries

Also some beautiful fanart Error made

Flower Crown
He has a flower crown of White Tulips because of course he does. Except they're not White Tulips anymore, they're Affaire Triumph Tulips, which are like White Tulips but they're pink on the petals' edges. White Tulip's are Sunny's flower, "modest, simple, perfect," that also represent Forgiveness. Pink Tulips represent Love and Passion, which are more similar to who Tulip specifically is. White Tulips with pink on them show the "growth" from just forgiveness to true affection.

Asthetic wise they match his heart eye, and I think Affaire Triump Tulips are funny specifically becase the pink on them looks kind of like lipstick lol. "Two lips" pun lives on.......

Same color as Dream Basil's hair, very loose, he doesn't wear anything under it. The sweater is based on one Basil gave Sunny in real life that made Sunny so gay he accidentally invented Tulip about it. I imagine the real sweater is probably, like, black or something. Wouldn't be the first time the dreamworld dramatically changed the color of something.

He wears soft small shorts that are almost but not quite covered by the sweater. I decided they're white because it's like Omori's boxers but without the black stripes bc like purity or something (there is nothing pure going on in there). DREAMWORLD IS CUTE!

Tulip doesn't wear any socks or shoes because the dreamworld friends never did, that was just Omori. He is free.

He has the same base body as Sunny which includes previous self harm scars. You might've noticed I draw dots on his shoulders, those aren't freckles or glitter that's acne because he's the "messier" side of Sunny. His hair is the same length it's just wavier bc that's how he likes it to be.

I'll turn this into art eventually, it'll be cute lol

Aaaaand the last drawing I have to show you is where I drew him as a pony

His tail is fuller bc he's not as sad

Ok WELL that is Tulip summary. I'm currently preparing to make a comic that'll have him in it... eventually....... You can follow it here for whenever I start posting stuff to it. It is ON THE WAY. I'll try not to disappear from LJ for a month next time lol

DW Post

, '.

quo's art, it's sunny somewhere else

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