V remake

Jun 19, 2009 14:06

So ABC is doing a remake of the "V" miniseries from the 80s. The original was quite good, minus some shaky special effects and one too-dumb-to-live character, but it had creepy atmosphere and some definite parallels to WW2 (specifically Nazi Germany). Good stuff, I reccommend a rental. (Plus I think Independance Day totally ripped off its beginning, but that's for another day)

Anyhoo, there's a remake...with Inara and Kara AKA Supergirl. Hmmm

image Click to view

Now is it just me, or are there some anti-Obama "Yes we can" overtones to this? I mean blatant stuff. Which is strange considering that ABC News will be running an informercial--er special--outlining Obama's new health-care plan. Hmmmm.

In short: HOLY CRAP I'M GONNA LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!
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