Apr 19, 2011 21:29
Hi. I don't usually post things here at LJ. The site doesn't like me very much, so I usually just limit myself to answering your posts and don't do anything original. I have to right now, tho, or I'll burst.
This past weekend I had the joy of spending with my little Whirlwind while his parents worked. Deputy works a 12 hour shift and Angel didn't have to go to work until 2:30 pm. Deputy was home Saturday and Sunday by 6 and we had nice evenings together and enjoying Whirlwind being his silly self. :D
Monday morning was a court date because Deputy is trying to get custody of his daughter from his ex-wife. I've gone with him before, but nothing really happened. Deputy was acting as his own attorney at the time and had given the opposing counsel all the paperwork he had. Opposing counsel sat shaking his head as he went through it all. As they went to the bench, OC asked for a continuance for a BS reason. It was granted and whatever might have happened that day was averted. The fact that JB doesn't pay her attorneys might have had a little something to do with it, too. They tend to not want to expend much energy when they realize they aren't getting any money.
Hubs was at the next court date and OC had literally grabbed another attorney from the lobby to help him. When the proceedings proceeded, Deputy began his opening. New opposing counsel objected to everything causing Deputy to lose his confidence and the judge suggest that he take a break. Another attempt at the proceedings resulted in the exact same thing. NOC turned out to be an )T$^&_%*_. Judge suggested that Deputy seek counsel and the clerk gave a business card. That was almost a year ago.
Now, I must say that Deputy and JB have been divorced for nearly 7 years. He has been battling for his visitation time nearly that whole time. He has since married Angel and had a beautiful little boy who will start kindergarten in the fall. Whirlwind is really the light of my life, being the youngest of the grandchildren and the only boy. I love them all more than oxygen, but am closest to the oldest and the youngest. lol
Anyway, the court appearances for visitation started 6 years ago. JB has remarried (they deserve each other) and for a short time, it was better - a very short time. TB is almost worse than JB now. :(
I won't give a blow by blow of the last 6 years, but suffice it to say that Deputy finally decided to try to get custody of Little Angel just so he could see her when he's supposed to. LA will be 8 in July and insists that she wants to come live with Deputy and Angel and continues to ask Deputy how it's going.
JB has been through several attorneys in the meantime as they all quit when they don't see any sign of getting paid in this lifetime. Her current OC has been on board around 8 mos. or so and claims to already have received a very large payment...MUCH more than should have been earned in such a short time. Deputy has had his attorney, W, for much longer and it hasn't been half as much. Guess OC is not above coloring the truth.
So, yesterday morning I saw COURT. WW wanted to ride with me to the courthouse and exhausted my ears. lol He's such a doll! He went to Safe Harbor where they know him so well and he has them all wrapped around his pinky. :D We went to the courtroom, but to potty first. I was already feeling it.
Lots of people coming and going. Tons of 'stuff' being discussed. It was really a flurry of activity. Cases heard and judged, a marriage dissolved, lots of other cases continued to another time. It was surprising to me how the attorneys and regular people were constantly in an out. That's not really allowed on tv. :D
When it came time for our case, Judge motioned to Counsels to come into his chambers. All Counsels showed surprise and none of us expected that at all. All we could do was wait.
About 20 minutes later, Judge came back in and resumed judging. I asked Deputy where everyone else was. He said they were probably writing up some stuff. They finally came back in and we were motioned that was could leave by W. There's a little room outside of the courtroom for conferences and stuff, so we waited for W there. Angel was very uptight and stood in the doorway ready to grab W in case he decided to avoid us. He didn't stand a chance. lol
I don't really remember everything W told us, but I got angrier and angrier as time went on. Finally found out that Angel isn't allowed to get LA when D has to work and it's his holiday or whatever, but TB acts as LA's father even to the point of not allowing D to go to daddy/daughter dance last year. TB went instead!
Anyway, it was suddenly more than I could keep in and I told W that I could have her whenever D couldn't. I was ready to explode, but D could tell and told W that Hubs and I were granted visitation in the divorce decree. It was over and W told D to send him an email with all info. We went to retrieve WW and headed to our cars.
We were going to lunch and I drove myself with the music blasting. Lunch was good and we had fun, but I had to head to my daughter's to pick up a load of their stuff for storage in our garage. It was VERY difficult to stay awake on the way there! I guess I'd hit the bottom after all that adrenalin. AF and FF for about an hour and then headed home. Had to stop and get some coffee, too.
By the time I got home, I could barely put one foot in front of the other. Hubs (awesome man that he is) unloaded my car and I went to the couch where no sleep was expected, but horizontal was achieved. Bed was achieved a little earlier than normal, too. Movement this morning was very slow.
I might be called to testify when the actual trial does occur and I'm not sure if I'll survive if this experience is anything to go by. lol I don't know how D and A do this all the damn time!
D made the comment several weeks ago that he wondered what he'd think about when this was all over. This all-consuming. It exhausts me from a distance. I can't imagine what it's like for him, even tho I see what it does to him sometimes. Hopefully, it will come to an end within this year.
If anyone is still reading, I'd appreciate your prayers for my family. And thanks for wading through this with me.
personal thoughts,