I don't usually post stuff here, but thought I'd throw some things out there today. My Show is sort of forcing me to say some things with the path it has been taking. I prefer to watch television for enjoyment and escapism, but Show has been soooo good to me and brought me so many wonderful friends and let's face it, I'm obsessed and it matters to
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Very good observation, that. And it has me wondering, too. Honestly? I hope the writers leave him out of it, in a way. God is universal, but Jesus... I don't know, I feel protective. All faiths believe in God in some form: Allah, Yaweh, God, etc.
But not all faiths follow Jesus.
I suppose I fear that with the Pandora's Box Kripke is opening here, the possibility for strife is more prominant if Jesus is "used" for the storyline.
Does that make sense?
But it just had me curious considering the characters and what he has shown us so far. I find it interesting that we havent even heard about him in a passing conversation ... given the background of the characters and the general christian beliefs or knowledge ... just has me curious.
I wonder if that is on purpose or just something he hasnt thought about because of his own beliefs
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