Jan 07, 2007 15:41
right, well it seems i have some information to fill in.
new years was fantastic. there was party pills, there was drinking (but not much, im not stupid... maybe had 3 glasses of wine the whole night), and the cigarette monster held me captive, but meh, it was a partay.
the lead up to the countdown was pretty good, met many many people of whom i did not remember the next day. there was some dancing, oh! and some cuteness, clint went from lipman street (behind the embassy) all the way to manners mall to iplay to find auld lang syne for hayley. how cute is that!!! (he didnt find it hehe)
caz walked into clints room and found 2 guys hookin up.... so she let them be, and then told us all hehe.
chris tried to push open the door that was locked, and consequently broke the glass on the door... well, its all in one piece, but its got HEAPS of spider cracks through it.
ah, the swedish dudes, karl and fred. beth and i were standing on the road talking to annette, when these 2 guys came over to ask if we had a smoke, and then we ended up inviting them back with us. fred very sleazy looking, and i do believe karl took off with some girl and had dirty sex. charming!
ohh!! ollie, who was rather drunk... ok very very drunk... he started up the stairs to go back inside, and then we followed him a minute later, there he is, standing on the stairs looking sheepish. so, the question is asked about what the matter was... his reply? "I just made out with the wall"... to which i asked.. "WHAT?"
"well, i was just standing here with my face on the wall and then i just started kissing it and then im all like what the fuck, you're a wall!". much laughing ensued. poor guy.
there was some missing of sean, but it was sated by his sweet txts (real sweet, i think beth almost threw up at the sweetness)
anyway, i get my ass home at 4am, get to bed, and course i cant sleep. so im lying there, watching movies til like half 5, then try to sleep. then i'm lying there and im FRICKIN cold and my mind is still wide awake, so i dont get to sleep til around 7, then i keep waking up cos i had to pee like every 5 minutes, and of course its really hard to sleep with birds outside chirping, and the light coming through the curtains. so anyway, i make myself get up at 9.30 after sweet fuck all sleep. i had a no-doz to keep me up. then somehow i managed to get to work. i looked like shit, and i felt like it too. as the day went on, i managed to wake up a little more, i went from mumbling to customers to actually making something that resembled intelligent conversation. then i got tired, so i went downhill.... solution? more no-doz!!
a couple times i had to go sit down and rest for a bit, and then i was also in the security room for a bit cos there was this dodgy as guy who we were all waiting to steal something, and the frickin didnt. ass!!! the guys were watching him for like 3 hours.
ok, so that was my new years....
new years,