I hate memes. They represent everything that's unoriginal and inane and faddish. The OED defines a meme as "a self-replicating element of culture, passed on by imitation". By that definition, religions have got to be the most successful memes ever propagated. Enough said.
At least this one doesn't fill in the fields randomly for you...
Seven things I want to do before I die
1. Meet Friday's work deadline
2. Pay last month's electricity bill
3. Collect every Asterix book in English and French
4. Remember wife's birthday on time for once
5. Identify all 88 constellations
6. Make a post on LJ that isn't a meme
7. Get a life
Seven things I say the most
1. "Yes dear"
2. "Of course dear"
3. "Whatever you say dear"
4. "Uh-huh"
5. "What do you mean I'm not paying attention?"
6. "I never need to ask for directions in Bombay"
7. "We are not lost!"
Seven things I can do
1. Watch endless reruns of Tom & Jerry.
2. Name every single movie I've seen in a theatre since 1992, in sequence.
3. Recite the alphabet backwards
4. Forget people's faces even faster than I forget their names
5. Confuse my wedding anniversary with brother-in-law's birthday
6. Forget to complete lists
Seven things I can't do
1. Knot a tie
2. Live on vegetarian food
3. Pretend to find babies adorable
4. Make "small talk" with casual acquaintances
5. Pray
6. Remember to complete lists
Seven things that attract me to either sex
1. Dry sense of humour
2. Irreverence
3. Willingness to try anything in food
4. Cheerful ignorance of pop culture and fashion
5. [That's all; anything sex-specific is likely to be an annoying distraction, not an attraction.]
Seven celebrity crushes
1. [Never had any, unless a ratty Sportsworld poster of Björn Borg counts. But that was in 1979.]
Seven people you want to tag