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Sep 08, 2008 03:05

A Case of the Mondays
Monday hasn’t even started yet,
But we all know it won’t be fun.
There are only two things we can do;
Do our jobs, and get the day done.

We don’t want to wake up and go to work,
We all wish we could see a friend.
It may be Monday, but nobody said
We couldn’t do that when the workday comes to an end.

If you let school or work control your life,
You’ll never know how it feels to stay out late.
You’ll begin to feel like you’re working 24-hour days
When you’re really just working the standard eight.

Money’s the root of all evil,
But we need it to pay the bills.
Because of that we’ll be seen as drones,
Machines that have programs instead of skills.

When it’s quitting time you have to flip a switch,
But you don’t have to go home and die.
That insincere farewell to your boss
Doesn’t have to be your day’s last goodbye.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, stuck in a routine,
They don’t begin the week, but they’re all just the same.
We’re all sitting in class or at work
Wishing Friday already came.

“Casual Friday” isn’t even casual anymore,
It’s a day of meeting after meeting.
The boss stands up and gives out weekend assignments,
And tries to make us think moments of freedom are fleeting.

Through most of my life, after 5pm
I’ve tried to forget the day of the week
I try to be ready for tomorrow by that time
So you hear me, and not all the stress, when I speak.

We need to leave stress at our jobs,
We’re all better off if that’s where it stays.
It seems like we could all wake up at 7AM
On Saturday, with a case of the Mondays.

Clint Berger
September 8, 2008
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