Married To Another Answers

Oct 12, 2009 10:59

Here are the answers for the Married to Another Quiz!

EDIT: And the winner is...flittterkat! Congrats! You win an all expense paid trip to the SSHG Quiz Vault to pick this Friday's quiz!

1. Calling Card by bambu345
2. Bastard Incarnate by pigwidgeon37
3. The Love You Take by subvers
4. Marriage Vows by selened
5. At the Shore of the Heart by Neelix
6. Denial by little_beloved
7. Get a Life by camillo1978 (WIP)
8. The Triangle WIKTT Challenge by AprilGrey
9. All Strings Attached by MetaMuse
10. His Draught of Delicate Poison by subvers

1. Crossing in front of the fire, the crackling flames backlit her figure and, even shrouded by black robes, she was slender and graceful. Severus was holding his temper in check, allowing her to incriminate herself before his strike. In some respects, they were like duelists; she was first wand, while he remained behind a protective shield. His turn would come.

“October 7, 2003, the day my heart broke. I’d already left the country, but I kept up with the news. You announced your engagement to the widowed Narcissa Malfoy. I gave up on you and moved on. December 31, 2004, I learned about falling in love as an adult. September 21, 2005, I was married. June 13, 2008, he died, and I learned about having my heart broken as an adult.”

Calling Card by bambu345

2. “True,” he admitted. “But they aren’t yet mine. Siegfried’s birthday is 4 June, if I remember correctly. And the divorce procedure might take a few weeks.”

“You have my permission to file the divorce as soon as you are back in England.”

"No, thank you. I promised it was to be his nineteenth birthday, and I intend to keep my promise.”

Cups and glasses were empty, the bill was paid, and the couple rose.

"Well,” she said, “I suppose we won’t meet anymore unless something goes wrong with the divorce.” She offered her hand for him to shake. “Good bye, Severus Snape. You were a lousy lover, although I had to endure it only twice, and you’ve been a good husband only because of your total absence. But you gave me Siegfried, and I suppose that was worth both the abysmal sex and the ninety thousand galleons.”

He shook her hand. “Good bye, Lobelia. May you have a happy life with some Prussian necrophiliac who appreciates your frosty charm.”

Bastard Incarnate by pigwidgeon37

3. Severus woke the instant the Dark Mark began to burn. His inner clock told him he had been sleeping for three hours; it was, therefore, around 2 A.M. on Boxing Day.

Fucking Morgen. She had wasted no time airing her perceived wrongs before their master.

The girl stirred beside him, turning so that her bare back was pressed against his left side. How could he provide for her needs, now that the Dark Lord was calling for him? Dumbledore had been far too optimistic, which was, indeed, one of his many flaws.

She turned again, so that her breasts were now pressed against the arm which still burned from his lordship’s call. She sighed and snuggled her cheek against his upper arm, as if she was a puppy and he was a sure source of affection and protection.

The Love You Take by subvers

4. “Oh but I can. Hermione is the most brilliant student and most powerful witch I have taught at Hogwarts and you have to admit Olivia was the most outstanding product of your family in recent centuries.”

“It didn’t save her though did it? Not when it mattered? It’s not enough to have the power if you’re too insipid to use it. Olivia hadn’t the stomach for a fight. Didn’t even go for her wand when it came to it.”

“Lucius, perhaps I am not making myself clear enough. Hermione is about to become my wife of her own free will. You have lost on this occasion. I would advise you to go back to your home and stay there before I remember you were never held accountable for Olivia’s death.”

“It’s as though you’ve never killed anyone yourself. Does your little whore know all the things you’ve done?”

“Hermione is aware of my past, as are all those I call friends. They place more weight on the greater good I achieved for our world afterwards.”

Marriage Vows by selened

5. ‘Why didn’t you tell her, about yourself I mean?’ Hermione stepped a little closer, into his eye line, and he raised his face to look at her.

‘After the war, I chose to live as a muggle and did so for many years before I met Lucy. She joined the staff at the school I was teaching at, and we became friends eventually. It was just easier to keep up the pretence, and to be honest I enjoyed it. It certainly made life simpler,’ he said.

Hermione let out a slow breath and held his gaze. ‘Life is not fair a lot of the time. But it seems to have given you more than your share of unhappiness,’ she mused, half to herself.

‘On the contrary Madame Granger. For the past four years, my life has been blissful.’

At the Shore of the Heart by Neelix

6. It was dusk when Severus heard the slam of the front door. Cordelia had evidently received his owl, and, judging by the ferocity with which she had closed the door, she was not at all pleased to have had her weekend so rudely interrupted.

Extinguishing the flame beneath two of his cauldrons and leaving a third to bubble gently, he stowed his wand in the voluminous folds of his robes and exited his laboratory. Wearing a satisfied smirk, he ascended the stairs. Cordelia simply loathed having her little jaunts to Edinburgh interrupted, but he knew her annoyance would soon be forgotten in the face of the news about her son’s abhorrent behaviour.

Denial by little_beloved

7. Chucking one of the forks in Winky’s direction, Snape leant against the wooden bench behind him and crossed his legs comfortably. The fire softened his flip-flop straps and warmed his bare feet nicely.

‘Spare me the elf-speak, Winky. It’s been ten years since you revealed your considerable vocabulary.’

‘Well, I’m getting back into practice. The boss noticed when I spoke properly.’

‘What did you say?’

‘I convinced her to take me on without pay.’

‘And you’re looking smug because …?’

‘Because the boss is the former Miss Liberation-Across-the-Nation Granger, and I’ve won my bet with the Hogwarts elves.’

Snape sat up sharply. He spilt gravy on his clean trousers and scowled at the munching house-elf.

‘Of all the fucking nerve! I told you to steer clear of the Granger girl.’

‘It’s Mrs Weasley, nowadays, and you needn’t worry. She hasn’t got a clue about me - or you.’

With a disapproving grunt, Snape concentrated on his Hotpot and struggled to avoid the little gang of unwelcome memories that rapped impatiently on the door of his mind. He’d found his peace on quiet zebra-striped plains and amongst obese baobab trees.

Get a Life by camillo1978 (WIP)

8. “Uh, hullo?  And who might you be?  I’m afraid my husband isn’t in right now, but you’re free to wait for him.”  Fiona had been thoroughly threatened to maintain a professional demeanor while at Hogwarts.  She would do nothing to risk his role as a spy for Voldemort.

Hermione smiled in spite of her dismay that the “other woman” looked to be a year or two her junior.  “Why no, Mrs. Snape.  I’m actually here to see you.  I’m part of the ad hoc welcoming committee.  I have a basket of goodies here especially for you.  There are some sweets from Honeydukes, bottles of butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks and some books to keep you entertained.”

Fiona studied the girl before her.  She was already bored to death living in this stupid pile of stone.  She gave a rare, shy smile.  “Well, do come in then.  I’ll make us some tea.”

The Triangle WIKTT Challenge by AprilGrey

9. "To leave a spouse of an arranged marriage the wizard or witch must find love. Once love has been found they must consummate the relationship to dissolve of the first marriage. Upon consummating the new love, the marriage between the two new lovers will be enforced."

Hermione stared in shock. She knew that Severus' marriage was an arranged marriage. Hermione continued to think of why Albus would give her the book and confront her about her feelings for Severus. Did Severus perhaps feel the same? And Albus knew, so he wanted to inform her?

Hermione thought over the matter for the next several days. She had come to the conclusion Albus would only confront her if he had the suspicion of Severus feeling the same. And if he did feel the same, would she be able to make love to him immediately and be prepared to be married? If things went the way of him loving her, she knew he would be open to 'dating' but 'dating' while he was married to Olivia still would be too much for her. But what if he wasn't even in love with her? Then what, she would make a fool of herself and lose the friendship she had built with him and valued greatly.

All Strings Attached by MetaMuse

10. The solicitor frowned. “Sir - are you contemplating this? I was under the impression that this engagement was of your seeking?”

The voice in which the client spoke was at once silken and menacing. “I believe that the question was a simple one, Butterman.”

“Of course, sir.” Butterman busied himself with replacing the file he had earlier removed from his desk. “You would be justified at law in voiding the contract if the family misrepresented their financial resources or the settlement upon the young lady. If the young woman were discovered en flagrante delicto you could terminate the contract; however, there must be no fewer than two unrelated witnesses willing to testify to the fact, should the lady’s family challenge you.” Butterman looked back at his client’s face. “Any criminal behaviour by the young lady would entitle you to break the contract.” He paused for a moment, speaking the next words with great delicacy. “It is possible, sir, at any time before the actual binding takes place, for the two of you to mutually agree to cancel the contract. You could, perhaps, approach the young lady…”

The younger man gained his feet with such speed that Butterman was surprised into a gasp.

“Don’t be absurd, Butterman,” the client said, as he strode to the door. “A gentleman never withdraws from an engagement.”

His Draught of Delicate Poison by subvers

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