Married to Another Quiz

Oct 09, 2009 11:16

Sometimes it seems as though Snape is always pulling Granger away from her Hogwarts leaving ceremony so they can get married.  The stories below show a more convoluted route to happiness.  In this quiz, Snape has been married or engaged to another woman prior to hooking up with Miss Granger.

And 25 house points to persevero for thinking up this theme and ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

bluestocking79 October 9 2009, 17:17:09 UTC
1. Calling Card, by Bambu
2. Bastard Incarnate, by Pigwidgeon
3. The Love You Take, by Subversa
4. Marriage Vows, by selened
5. At the Shore of the Heart, by Neelix
6. Denial, by Little Beloved
7. Get a Life, by Camillo
8. The Triangle WIKTT Challenge, by April Grey
9. All Strings Attached, by MetaMuse
10. His Draught of Delicate Poison, by Subversa


morethansirius October 12 2009, 15:05:16 UTC
Woo hoo! You have a perfect score! Your name has been entered in our weekly drawing. Here's a lovely banner to stare at while you wait for the winner to be announced. Thanks for playing the quiz!


mrs_helenesnape October 9 2009, 22:39:37 UTC
1. Calling Card by bambu345
2. Bastard Incarnate by pigwidgeon37
3. The Love You Take by Subvera
4. Mariage Vows by selened
5. At the Shore of the Heart by neelix
6. Denial by little beloved
7. Get A Life by Camillo1978
8. The Triangle WIKTT Challenge by AprilGrey
9. All Strings Attached by MetaMuse
10. His Draught of Delicate Poison by Subversa


morethansirius October 12 2009, 15:07:12 UTC
The owl has arrived with your Outstanding! That's another perfect score for you. Way to go fangirl! Your name is in our weekly drawing. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner. Here's your well-earned banner.


maddyriddle October 10 2009, 04:20:29 UTC
Woohoo. I have time to play!

#1 Calling Card.
#4 Marriage Vows.
#10 His Draught of Delicate Poison.

6 and 9 sound familiar, but I can't place them. I've read many fics with Severus having prior engagements so I can't point to the actual fics just by the name of the wife/girlfriend/whatever.


morethansirius October 12 2009, 15:10:20 UTC
All your answers are correct! Good work, fangirl. Guessing is not only allowed, but encouraged. Especially when they sound familiar like #6 and #9! Denial is #6 and All Strings Attached is #9. Thanks for playing.


biogrrl8877 October 10 2009, 18:43:52 UTC
1. Calling Card
2. Bastard Incarnate
3. The Love You Take
4. Marriage Vows
5. At The Shore of The Heart
6. Denial
7. Get A Life
8. The Triangle WIKTT response
9. All Strings Attached
10. His Draught of Delicate Poison


morethansirius October 12 2009, 15:12:30 UTC
Outstanding work, as always! Your name is in this week's drawing. Stay tuned for the winner's announcement. Here's your banner, my little know-it-all!


absolutanjul October 11 2009, 02:28:28 UTC
I know that #3 is The Love You Take and I do believe that #10 is His Draught of Delicate Poison. #6 I've read before but can't remember the title. It might be The Triangle?


morethansirius October 12 2009, 15:14:57 UTC
Yes, you nailed #3 and #10! You must be a Subversa fangirl! Aren't we all? Quote #6 is from Denial. Good job. Thanks for playing the quiz!


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