Hermione is a SPY!

Aug 28, 2009 10:15

Severus Snape has many qualities that make him the consummate spy. However, sometimes the job requires the courage of a Gryffindor Know-it-all. Join us as Hermione Granger goes undercover as Spy!Hermione.

This week's quiz was chosen by writermerrin who really knows her realistic romances!

Spy!Hermione Quiz )

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Comments 8

persevero August 28 2009, 21:12:22 UTC
The Long Way Home by sshg316 1
Wandless Magic by deeble 2
Rising Above by Dryad 3
Back in Black by ubiquirk 4
Saving your Life by lilmisblack (WIP) 5
Day Job by melisande88* 6
As the Falcon Hath Her Bells: Taking Flight by Hyacinth Macaw 7
When a Lioness Fights by Kayly Silverstorm aka lioness_kayly (WIP) 8
Slightly Less Sinister by Jezzie or sufferbitch 9
This Forbidden Knowledge by wendynat 10


morethansirius August 31 2009, 16:03:52 UTC
Outstanding work, my dear! You have a perfect score and a chance at being this week's winner. While you are awaiting the results of the drawing, you can enjoy your well-deserved Know-it-all banner!



maddyriddle August 29 2009, 06:16:36 UTC
Free time!
Er... I mean... yeah, well... time for me to play. :D

2 - Wandless Magic

4 - Back in Black

6 - Day Job

9 - Slightly less sinister

10- This Forbidden Knowledge

I didn't recognise the DEWW conspiracies or The Grim Mistress on the quotes... and I have the feeling I haven't read the other stories. Then again, some of the other quotes sound slightly familiar, so I may have read the stories and forgot.


morethansirius August 31 2009, 16:06:56 UTC
Oh, well done! Not only are all five of your answers correct, but you identified the two red herrings as well! We hope you found a few new-to-you stories to read this week. Thanks for playing and enjoy your reading.


biogrrl8877 August 29 2009, 22:45:17 UTC
1. The Long Way Home
2. wandless magic
3. Rising Above
4. Back in Black
5. Saving your life
6. Day Job
7. As the Falcon Hath Her Bells: Taking Flight
8. When A Lioness Fights
9. Slightly Less Sinister
10. This Forbidden Knowledge


morethansirius August 31 2009, 16:08:56 UTC
Another perfect score for you! And another Know-it-all banner goes to you. You are entered in the winner's drawing. Stay tuned for results!



mrs_helenesnape August 30 2009, 00:15:35 UTC
1. The Long Way Home
2. Wandless Magic
3. Rising Above
4. Back In Black
5. Saving Your Life
6. Day Job
7. As The Falcon Hath Her Bells: Taking Flight
8. When a Lioness Fights
9. Slightly Less Sinister
10. This Forbidden Knowledge


morethansirius August 31 2009, 16:10:45 UTC
The mail owl has arrived with your Outstanding score for this quiz! A perfect score for you, my little quizzling and your name is in the winner's drawing. Enjoy your Know-it-all banner and stay tuned for the winner's announcement!



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