Professor Granger part 3 Quiz

Aug 26, 2011 15:52

What happens when the prodigal child returns to her magical home? Do her former professors--now colleagues--treat her with respect and kindness? Yup. Well, except for a certain someone who has issues with people skills. This week's quiz focuses on stories where both Hermione and Severus are professors at Hogwarts. Thank goodness for faculty fraternization ... hopefully naked.

Match the story to the quote:

Muggle Music by tinytexans
Fallen by brenamarie
Behind Greenhouse 2/7 by windwingswrites
Nectar of the Gods by solas-divided
Stylus by apeacefulsleep
Nine Voices by absolute_tash
All Lathered Up and No Place To Go by voxangelus
An Unexpected View by darnedchild
Predictive Text by astopperindeath
Not Knowing What To Do by shairi11
Midnight Run by hunter_liza (WIP)
Little Girl, Granger, Hermione by knightofswords

1. The last thing he said before Apparating them to the gates of Hogwarts should have hit her brain. She should have asked herself what in God’s name he meant by “duck.”

But her sex-addled brain heard what it wanted to hear. They arrived at the front gate, breathless and disheveled.

“I don’t think I can wait another day, Severus. Let’s do it now!” And, just as before, she confused him with a smoldering kiss.

Before he could ask her what she meant, she was dragging him through the doors of the castle and down to the dungeons.

“Oops,” he smirked.

2. Hermione Granger had been teaching for some years now. Other than the permitted holiday breaks (which he had known and cherished so dearly throughout his irritating and tiring years at Hogwarts), Professors were only allowed so many small getaways. However, Albus Dumbledore was a romantic, letting his esteemed Arithmancy Professor escape the tedium of their institute to pay homage once a year on this very day. The old man even had the gall to send a bouquet of nauseatingly bright roses with Hermione some years back. She was able to save a couple before the batch had become incinerated. It was to say the least that he was not in the best of moods that day. As always, she had changed that with ease.

Severus’ mouth quirked in amusement as he reached for the glass decanter perched on the mantlepiece.

It contained some of the best aged whiskey he had ever tasted. Although Muggle-made, it was far superior to Ogden’s Old Firewhiskey, Blishen's Firewhisky, or any other wizard-brewed hard liquor for that matter. Certainly the top contender for his spirits of choice. It never failed to warm him even on the bitterest of cold nights.

3. I walked across the room to sit on the bed and pulled out the drawer of my bedside table. Being moderately paranoid, I placed a few nasty wards on the table after stowing the journal. Passing the vanity on my way out, I briefly checked my appearance and quickly exited in search of dinner.

Still not entirely comfortable with the staff entrance, I entered the Great Hall through the large oak doors. Most of the students had already arrived and were tucking into their meals. I smiled and nodded as I made my way to the head table.

I chose the available seat next to my long-time friend, and current Herbology professor, Neville Longbottom.

“Good evening, Hermione!” Neville said joyfully as I sat down. “How did your first day of lessons go? Any explosions?” He continued while spooning a helping of roast potatoes onto his plate.

I groaned in response. Seriously, just the thought of rehashing my entire day gave me a headache.

I took a second to begin adding some broccoli and carrots to my plate before answering him. “No, no explosions. Although I think Mr. Craig had actually been looking for one. I managed to catch him in the act of adding porcupine quills to his boil cure while the cauldron was still sitting on the fire... His demeanor gave him away, the mischievous glint in his eyes just told me he was up to something.”

4. “Why do I have the feeling something very wrong is happening?” Severus muttered.

“Well, I suppose you’d better come up to my rooms and borrow my shower. I can wait a bit longer for a bath,” offered Hermione.

Severus thought for a moment. Hermione’s company was agreeable, even if she still had to learn the value of a comfortable silence. Besides, she was offering her shower.

“I would very much enjoy the use of your shower, Professor Granger.”

A wicked look gleamed in Hermione’s eyes. “Or we could just sneak into the prefects’ bath,” she suggested, tucking her hands in her pockets and strolling out of the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder. “Were you ever a prefect, Severus?”

5. 'Severus? You wanted to see me?' Hermione asked as she entered his rooms.

Snape hurriedly stashed Sir Book away. He had been going through the checklist one last time, and had got down to 'scented candles' before Hermione had come in.

Snape stood up, being the gentleman he was, and gestured to the table before him. 'You've always said you enjoy having dinner with me.'

Hermione rolled her eyes, smiling. 'And I suppose that's your way of asking me to dinner, Professor?'

Snape frowned. Well, was it not an adequate invitation? Honestly, sometimes women are so strange.

'Never mind,' she said as she came closer to the table; at which point, she let out a small noise… a hybrid between a gasp and a squeak.

Snape's thoughts were running rampant around his head. A hybrid gasp-squeak: what did it mean? Did she approve? Did she like it? Did she think it was cloyingly sentimental? Or worse, did she suspect that this wasn't all his own work and that he was being aided by Sir Book?

6. The door to Severus’ office flew open. “Severus! How’s it going, mate?”

Severus rolled his eyes. “Do come in, Remus. Have a seat and I’ll get the potions.” Severus stood from where he had been seated behind his desk as Remus took a seat in front of the desk.

“No rush, Severus, I have a while before Tonks expects me home, and the potions don’t actually need to be delivered until tomorrow. I was just out in Hogsmeade picking up some sweets for Tonks’ ridiculous cravings and decided to drop by early. Uh, Severus, what is that?” he asked, pointing to the white box. Severus stopped and turned to face Remus. “That? That, my friend is a little gift from Miss Hermione Granger, bane of my existence.”

“Oh, that’s right. I heard she had come back here to teach, uh, what’s it, Muggle Studies? A perfectly good waste of perfectly good talent if you ask me,” he said. Severus snorted.

7. Suddenly, the acute senses of the Potions master caught a slight change in the drowsy air of the corridor, which for a man with a career in espionage, indubitably signified a presence of something foreign. Or someone who shouldn’t be there. Making as little change to his movements as possible, he fingered the blunt end of his wand and then, as sudden and fast as an attacking viper, cast a revealing charm in the general direction of the intruder.

All his years of spying could not have prepared him for the reveal. Hiding in a small nook of the mouldy flagstone wall was Professor Granger. Her creamy-white skin, made almost translucently pale by the wan moonlight, stood out shockingly in the thick surrounding darkness. And the reason why Snape could fully appreciate the contrast was because Granger was not wearing a stitch of clothing.

Well, well.

He stood in front of her and gave her the eyebrow. She huddled closer to the shadows, trying to cover herself with her hands, but Snape’s doggedly tenacious memory had already stored away her dusty-pink nipples with small areolas, and a neat triangle of curls, which her freezing fingers were now trying to hide. That particular sight was rather erotic in a very innocent, subdued way, and it took Snape some effort to tear his eyes, which begged to linger there, away from it. She shivered, still shell-shocked into silence, and he was shaken back to reality.

“I think I shall mark this day in my calendar, catching you-sweet Hecate-in flagrante delicto, Granger,” he drawled, his mind suddenly a-swirl with all the devious ways this situation could be put to use.

8. "I had no choice in the matter, it was a clause in my contract. Minerva insisted upon it and a few others when she rehired me, to prove to the board of Governors that she had every faith in my abilities to teach the youth of our world or some other codswallop. I should have known then, that it would come back to bite me in the arse." He frowned and gestured that she should hand over the letter opener.

She had to admit, he was much more precise with his cuts.

Then the box exploded open in a shower of large, chunky confetti that covered the desk, the floor and both of them. Most of the pieces trembled and moved, attempting to position themselves at the top of a stack of the others. This seemed to cause the whole mess to continually shift and vibrate.

Hermione snatched a piece of the parchment that had come to rest precariously upon the bodice of her robes.

"It's a name. They're all names. Names and titles." To keep her treacherous fingers from reaching for a large piece that was nestled in Severus' hair, she dug around inside the box until she found a note. "Potential guests. We're to sort through them all and make a proper guest list. Someone has charmed the more important names to stand out, lest someone accidentally be forgotten. And there's a note here for a Mortimer Smythe, reminding him to label the box with a warning that the contents are under pressure."

Severus ran a hand through his hair, dislodging the parchment, and drawing her attention to the barely visible threads of silver hidden amongst the black, especially around his temple. "I trust he forgot?"

Pleased that he hadn't automatically assumed that she had somehow missed such a warning, and slightly shaken by the nearly overwhelming urge to smooth down his rumpled hair, Hermione could only nod in response.

9. "And you're not old, sir. You're actually rather young considering the average wizarding life span. And I don't believe I'm lecturing," she stated insistently. "You asked me to support my curriculum." Her brow furrowed. "Don't you want to hear it?"

Of course I do, Granger, but my arse is tired.

Snape stood and stepped to the window. "Let's move on to the practicals you're proposing with Muggle devices. The magic in this castle has never failed to prevent electrics from functioning. I assume you have considered how to overcome the thousand years of magic built up in the castle walls when you show your class, what was it, 'e-mail?'"

Granger's eyes lit with excitement. "Oh, yes, Professor, that's one of my favourite parts of the N.E.W.T. Level courses. I've spoken with Professor Flitwick, who was able to direct me to recent developments in the Charms and Arithmancy fields that will enable the conversion of electricity into an arithmantic equation, which can then be used to produce a shielding charm around Muggle electrical devices."

10. Astrid De Lane : Regardless of what you may think of my line of work, I take pride in my abilities. He left me a photo and by his next visit I was the spitting image of his new love. I opened the door, already transformed and I must say I took his breath away. I expected him to rush me into the bedroom and ravish me, but he suddenly seemed very shy. He held my hand. Touched my face. He asked me if I'd like to sit by the fireplace with him and have some tea. I figured he'd paid for the hour, and could spend it how he liked.

Hermione Granger: When Ron said he and Harry were going to the Broomsticks I didn't object. I honestly needed the time to grade papers and I can never get any work done when I'm at home. Please don't think I'm complaining. I love living with Ron. He just needs looking after. And tea. And a sandwich. And biscuits. I figured I'd just stay late at Hogwarts, have some food sent up, and plow through the third year scrolls. He'd have fun, I'd get my work done, everybody wins. I was carrying some Shepherd's Pie and the essays to my office when I bumped - literally - into Severus. I managed to catch the pie, but the scrolls went everywhere. I was so busy gathering them up that it took me a moment to notice how nice he looked. His hair was clean, his shirt neatly pressed, even his shoes shined. He stood there holding one of my escaped scrolls, looking positively respectable. I had planned to invite him to sit and grade with me, but it was obvious that he was going out. I will admit I was a bit shocked. Happy for him, yes, absolutely, but I just couldn't imagine who he was going out with.

Ronald Weasley: It is possible that, on the night in question, my friend and I consumed an alcoholic beverage. Two at the most.

Harry Potter: We were pissed. Ron was whinging on about this and that, beating around the bush, until he finally comes out and asks me if I think he should be worried.
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