So Crazy

Mar 12, 2009 14:43

Work and workouts have been eating my life during the weekdays and we've been out doing stuff on the weekends.  This is the first time I've had a chance to get on the internet pretty much since...Friday?

Things I have done:
-ran another 10k (not official, just around the 'hood, trying to get used to the distance)
-lost another lb or so, I'm at 153.  Come on, below 150!
-got to see Doug Benson at the comedy club.  Was very hilarious, and so was his opening Grahm...someone or other.
-looked for a bicycle, think I figured out the one I'm going to get.  Can't afford a nice bikestore bike so I'm going with one from Academy that doesn't make my bony ass hurt, I think.
-Worked a lot of hours trying to wrangle everything into game for this deadline.  It has been nice to actually have things to do instead of just herding other people but I think I definitely was thinking
-Eaten a lot of fucking food.  At least for me.  There was burgers and wings and brownies and fried pickles and BBQ and mexican brunch and much much more.  I've been paying for it in the gym though so it's all copacetic.

Back to work, and crossing my fingers everything goes well.  Fancy pants martini party this weekend for Joel's birthday.  It's supposed to be butt ass cold but I am holding out hope that the weather will take pity on us!


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