(Soul Campaign Application)

Jan 31, 2010 15:13


Player Name: Ally.
Timezone: -10 GMT (HST)


Name: Ken Murata
Age: 16 years old
Gender: male.
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou!
Timeline: Post Season 2, before the beginning of season 3
History: here. To expand a bit upon Murata:

When the lands were young and unity was all but a dream, there was a gentle, ordinary man who stood beside the King that would shape Shin Makoku into what it would become. He wasn’t flashy and he had no sword or armour. He was the only person ever to be of equal status to Shinou. If it wasn’t for him, the Mazoku would have been torn apart by the Creator and the Kingdom wouldn’t have been what it would eventually become and it’s people would have been nothing but a group of wanderers who traveled from place to place. Back then he went by Daikenja and he was the Great Sage. He stood side by side with Shinou and, together, they made a difference.

Fast forward 4,000 years to the present.

Murata is the resident geek who was about to get a swirly from some bullies when Yuuri Shibuya stepped in and saved him from a horrible hairdo via toilet water. He seems pretty normal and unassuming in the fact that he’s just your typical smart student, random friend, and the resident manager for the baseball team. This is simply the beginning of a long and strange trip that involves Murata seemingly being around almost every time that Yuuri travels to and from the Demon Kingdom. At first it seems as if he’s just a friend who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time but as everything unfolds it turns out that Murata has known more about what was going on than he really let on.

For a while he pretty much stayed on Earth until one day he joined Yuuri on the ‘other side.’ Of course, he was a blonde at the time (that should say something but it probably doesn’t). It was a time of unrest as everyone was eager to collect the Forbidden Boxes and either a)rule the world, b)destroy the world, or c)have one hell of a ‘pick a prize from the box’ game. Anyway, he joins in on the adventures and shenanigans of the group. It’s eventually learned that Murata isn’t quite who he seems. He carries the soul of the Great Sage (Daikenja) and along with it he has all of the memories as well, including memories of past lives. (Somehow he manages to remain normal and not have multiple personalities - and no. Being blonde doesn’t count as a multiple personality).

He’s always friendly and quick with a smile and a wave, but he doesn’t seem to get along well with sheep. That’s a whole different story of it’s own that involves dumplings and the sheep of Shin Makoku having violent reactions when they’re fed one. Murata found this out the hard way after he kindly offered some of his food to one that looked like it was hungry and it ended up pretty much trying to kill him.

Despite all of this, for a while it seemed as if he had betrayed everyone when it was revealed that he had not shared vital information involving information on the keys for the Forbidden Boxes. As well, he didn’t share what he conjectured would come to pass to name a few things. However, it turned out that he really hadn’t betrayed them - he simply did what was needed to free Shinou and to destroy the ‘evil’ that had lurked in the boxes. The plan had been set into motion all those years ago and it had finally come time to make it happen to once and for all rid the world of Soushu. In this way he’s quite the calculating one, sometimes seeming to be off serving his own agenda. His involvement with Shinou is rather complicated as it actually goes back to when Daikenja was pretty much Shinou’s right-hand-man. They were rather inseparable and held a deep understanding of one another that transcended time. Once Shinou had been freed, it was like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

Even over the course of 4,000 years nothing has really changed - he still finds himself hanging out with some guy named Shinou and usually has to keep him on a short leash.

Character Personality: He’s always friendly and quick with a smile and a wave, but he doesn’t seem to get along well with sheep. That’s a whole different story of it’s own that involves dumplings and the sheep of Shin Makoku having violent reactions when they’re fed one. Murata found this out the hard way after he kindly offered some of his food to one that looked like it was hungry and it ended up pretty much trying to kill him. He’s also quite a smart individual and he has a certain love for playing games. He’s not really forthright with information but, instead, occasionally offers hints and tips in order to get others to figure things out. However, he will help out when needed. While he’s a scholar and not a fighter, he’ll still be right in there to help his friends when needed and is certainly capable of defending himself if truly needed.

For the most part, he’s a relatively quiet person, interjecting when he feels it best. Sometimes he seems to be serving his own agendas or acting somewhat shifty, but there’s always a hidden reason for his actions, even if he happens to be the only one who knows what the end will be.

He is also the kind that enjoys joking around, even if some of his jokes tend to not fit with his age. This is because he’s been reincarnated several times before and he has a penchant for remembering his past lives. This gives him keen insight upon many things and helps provide that wisdom of his that’s beyond his years. It’s not uncommon for him to take everything in stride and simply find humour in all situations.

Character Abilities: A great tactician and smarter beyond his years, Murata is often the voice of reason and this comes in handy in many situations. Though he appears to be jovial and light-hearted, he can be serious when needed to be. He has no real abilities aside from his intelligence and wit unless you count the ability to travel from Earth to Shin Makoku and back - but he can only do that with help and not on his own.

Character Weaknesses: His jokes sometimes fall flat and he’s not the best of combatants. He’s also a bit too social and friendly sometimes, putting a lot of faith in his friends and their ability to always come out on top - or at least close to it. Sometimes he’s also a bit too mysterious for his own good. While he’s mostly capable of taking care of himself, his reliance on his friends can be a bit of a hang up.


Why your character should be a Meister: Murata isn’t the kind that can be easily manipulated nor is the kind to directly hurt another. He is more of the kind who will defend when needed to with a weapon rather than being the weapon, itself.


Soul Description: Mysterious. Very wise. Upbeat. Reasonable. Friendly. Quiet.

Soul Appearance: Murata’s soul, more than likely, would appear as a nearly blindingly white ball about the same size as the boy. In Shin Makoku, he’s regarded as a sort of ‘holy person’; the Great Sage. He is a pure person, and only does what it necessary for the best of the people of the Kingdom. There would be no features on the ball as a symbol of his wise, stoic nature. There would, however, be an open book symbolizing the wisdom through the ages that he has accumulated.


First Person:
Ah? Yes, yes. I do believe that this is on and working correctly. Let me first start off by saying ‘hello’ to everyone out there who is viewing this. If anyone is, that is. What am I saying? Of course I have viewers! Anyway, for those of you who are curious, I’m Ken Murata and you lucky people are the first to view what will become the greatest talk show this place has seen.

So this is where you come in, my viewing audience. What I need is you. Yes. You. I obviously can’t have a talk show without people to talk with now, can I? What would you like to come and get off of your chest? Do you need to tell someone you’ve been cheating on them? Find some sort of advice for one problem or another? Or do you simply need to share recipes for cookies? Here on Murata’s Talk Show, no discussion is too small. So if you would like to take part in what is sure to be a smash hit, please feel free to contact me and discuss what it is you would like to come on my show with.

So don’t wait. Call today.

[after the farewell, the video feed ended.]

Third Person: It had been a promise built on play -- on words that had been tossed about in a jovially sarcastic way with each one playing off the other. Whether one or the other had truly been serious about any of it was something that had been left up in the air and shrouded in an entangled cover of clouds. Yet as ridiculous as it had sounded, there was no doubt that had there been any true shred of seriousness in it that the duo of Conrart Weller and Ken Murata would have been, as Murata had once said, better than Batman and Robin. He had also said that their relationship would be far less ambiguous than the other super duo’s, but that was one of those things that never really needed to be expounded upon in normal conversation.

That was, of course, ‘normal’ in the traditional sense of the word.

They had no true superpowers and surely couldn’t fly, but with Murata’s quick mind and Conrart’s skill, they were still a force to be reckoned with. All that was left was for them to find flashy super hero-esque tights to wear and a cape so that it could dramatically flap in the wind behind them. That and fixing up a pair of horses with a kick-ass costume as well because they clearly couldn’t leave their trusted steed’s identities be known to the evil-doers. That would have been just plain silly and dangerous on their behalf.

Clearly, Shin Makoku had no idea what it was in for and neither had poor Conrart when he agreed to the boy’s promise.

All joking aside, however, the Sage knew that it was just one of those little things between the pair - an in-joke, so to say, that would pop up every now and then out of seemingly nowhere. He had to admit, however, that it always made him smile even more, just knowing that it was their little pact with one another; their little promise. Perhaps when they were old and grey, they could don their super hero tights and ride through the lands, protecting children from the evils of too much sugar.

…or protecting the grass from young people walking on it.

And, yet, while it may have just been a dream wrought from fanciful talk and amused conversation, there was some spark of truth in what had been said. While they may not end up as eccentric and renowned as the super heroes of Murata’s Earth, they still had that potential to continue on with their do-gooder ways and protect those citizens of Shin Makoku and the King like they were already good at. In a way, they were already like their own secret super hero duo.

Just without the flashy costume and superpowers.

[ NOTES ] This character has been reserved.


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