buried, and burying my worries

Feb 09, 2007 01:51

whoo! mid-term season! fuck yeah!


fuck J361 and it being a literal juggling competition. I have our first real big thing due next Monday (entailing me to go to my 'beat' location of beautiful downtown Springfield on Saturday to...well...fuck...take pictures and interview people. my inner phobia of such things is going to enjoy Saturday), I was planning on writing up the speech/lecture I went to last night for my mid-term which is due sometime nebulously 'later', and I have to research and prepare for my final project proposal which is also due Monday...I think.

All that for one class. overkill? Yes.

at least my two mid-terms this week - sports biz on Tuesday and international journalism today - went well. very well, in both cases, but I'm not giving any guesses as to grades; I've been wrong before...so far this term (barring my lackadaisical approach to Japanese, which I'm turning around, I promise) everything's coming back happy grade-wise. And, given all the above for J361, my prof for it is REALLY impressed with my writing. So that's good.

but I'm just tired. I can't wait for not this weekend, but the next - nothing major due that monday I don't think, and relaxation. finally. at least I can do things tomorrow night and Saturday night - speaking of the devil, Nick, busy tomorrow night? I want to call Pete too.

the Blazers game Tuesday was glorious. Yeah, we were in the cheap seats (I'll upload the pictures...eventually, I suppose) and yeah, Portland lost. But it was great fun. Brandon Roy is going to run the city of Portland within two years, guaranteed.

another guarantee: women confuse the hell out of me. but more on that as details emerge, which could also mean nothing happens. fun!

had lunch with birdy yesterday. that was very good and long necessary, and it also happened completely by accident - so that was fun and good.

fuck. bed. tonight was wonderfully self-indulgent - a 22 of hefeweizen, "princess mononoke" and some J361 reading homework (a profile on Bill Clinton from the New Yorker). I feel intellectual and slightly hazy, though that's more from tired than booze.
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