Never in my life have I seen so many penises.*
So, my roommate woke me up out of a dead sleep,** crammed some whiskey down my throat*** and said "we're going to Bay to Breakers."
Apparently, Bay to Breakers is a race from the San Francisco Bay to Ocean Beach. Sounds like the lamest thing imaginable, right? But in fact, the runners shoot up ahead to leave hoi polloi behind. They wear costumes****, have floats and drink a lot.
So, we got to Golden Gate Park***** and beheld several sights. First, we found some people
This was indeed my scene. I tried to take a picture of some other people, but they fell down.
And then there were some kissing pirates.
The further from the front of the race we walked, the higher the blood alchohol level.
Here's my favorite float:
Along the race route were bands, such as this klezemer band:
At long last, we came to my roommate's superlative boyfriend's superlative float's location. His float's name was "Bubble Butt."
It blew bubbles. It also broke down a lot, causing the hippies to use power tools to repair it. Here we see two of them, lying on the ground.
Meanwhile, there were a lot of naked people.
I did not feel comfortable taking their picture. I took this one by accident.****** "It's amazing that you see so many more naked men than women."
"Well, male sex roles are no less confining than women and we have covered remarkably less territory in loosening them." Yeah, I live in California.
We eventually abandoned ship, leaving Bubble Butt to its fate. I exited via tenth avenue, only to step into New Orleans. I swear, every party in New Orleans has one of these things. What are they called, anyway?
*Penis, of course, derives from the Latin "penis, penis," meaning "tail" in Old Latin, but in Republican and Imperial Latin, meaning "penis."
**actually, I woke up and agonized over the roommate search for a good twenty minutes.
***also not true.
****or utter lack thereof.
*****if I were better with HTML, I would put these words in red, dripping blood.
******I'm actually being honest about this.
*******hey! there's no word in the text with seven asterisks!