(no subject)

Nov 24, 2011 01:40

So relationships.

Boys are great & all. They're cute & strong & helpful & their brains work in a complimentary way to ours, as girls.

They make good boyfriends, but does being a good boyfriend translate into anything else?

I'm not so sure.

The best boyfriend I ever had is someone I couldn't see myself married to.
The worst boyfriends I've had treated me like crap yet I obsessed over them anyways.

There's boys who are generous & ones who are selfish. Ones who are well endowed & ones who are less fortunate. Ones who have learned all the tricks & ones who are always eager to learn.
None of these things is really better than the other, it's all about the recipe.

I'm not interested in a boyfriend. I'm interested in a partner. Someone to lean on, the two lines that form a triangle & support eachother. Something about geometry & math I don't really know. Something tells me a girl would be fine in this role, but that most girls are just too batshit crazy. Just like some boys arent strong enough.

I bet there are online communities that will support my hobbies if I were to pursue them... I'm pretty sure the majority of the world are assholes, but few are bigger assholes than I am. Few of them could probably get under my skin.

I was thinking today about what people would write about me if they decided I belonged on THEDIRTY.
...oh, the things they might say.
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