Mar 23, 2008 21:00
this weekend was awesome.
friday i got to drive home with laura...but first we ran a few errands and got bubble tea for the road. it was great getting to talk to her, especially before the weekend not thinking about all the stuff we had to do for school. and it was great to realize that no matter how little we talk or how busy we get, i can get together with her and things can still be great. that's comforting to think.
thennn i got home and no one was around, and the house was supa freezing, as always, but coming back from uber-heated dorms made it even worse, so i left my coat on, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, and took a nap because i was sleep-deprived. then nikki came home from school and we ate and hung out. it was good.
saturday we (me, nikki, and mom) got up fairly early and went to open me a savings account at tcf bank so i can get cash and deposit cash during the summer, and then to plato's closet to get clothes for the philippines! =) i got 2 pairs of shorts and a tube top. i'm so excited to wear them, 'cause i'm pretty sure it won't be shorts and tube top weather in michigan when we leave on april 29. after that i went to detroit for bhangra fusion to see sweety dance (and other people i knew, but pretty much for sweety), and i got to hang out with JUI SHAH, who i haven't seen in agesss since she goes to college in washington, d.c. now. she is one of the nicest people i know, and it was so refreshing to be around her. after the show we got to go to msu bhangra's hotel room in the ren cen. it was on the 42nd floor, and the view was BEAUTIFUL. seriously breathtaking. i don't know what i'd do if i was afraid of heights because i loooove views like that. anyway, i had to skip out on the afterparty and go home because the next day was EASTER!
easter is pretty much the best day ever. i know not everyone who reads this is christian, but i am, so i'm gonna talk about how awesome it is that jesus died for us and rose from the dead so that we would follow him and know that God forgives us, and will always be there for us, and that there's something more to this life. today at mass our priest was talking about how the ones in the church that have the most faith are the children. and he brought up some points that he thinks prove that the story of the resurrection is true--like, the fact that mary magdalene was the first person to see the empty tomb. women weren't believed to be credible on anything in the time that jesus lived in, so if the whole thing were made up, why would a woman be bestowed the "honor" of being first to realize jesus had risen? and why would she go on to preach the word? the skeptical part of me says that maybe the authors of the gospels anticipated that... but that doesn't change my faith any. whenever i feel myself start to lose faith, or think that maybe religion is just a construct, i remind myself of miracles. how do miracles happen if not for God? and yes, i do believe in natural selection... i think that some things in the bible are meant to be taken figuratively. but anyway, back to the topic at hand. easter is so happy. we had the children's choir and kids dancing, waving ribbons (ministry in motion for those who go to st. thomas a' becket), and everyone was dressed up nice, ready to celebrate the event on which our entire religion is based on. there was a girl sitting in front of my family who looked almost exactly like dora the explorer. it was cute.
after church we went to my aunt's house, where i got to drink pop and play solitaire since lent's over, and the best part of lent being over is finally getting what you gave up and realizing that you could've gone longer without it. it's a great feeling. and what else was great was that i got to eat homemade food, hang out with my family, play video games with my cousins, and dote on my goddaughter. i'm probably not going to see them for a while, so i had to milk it for all it was worth--even though i have tons of homework to do right now.
oh, i got nominated for vice president of PASS!
not quite sure if that's a good thing or not... good because if i get it my voice will be heard and i'll get to be a leader, which i love, but bad because it will involve tons and tons of work and lots of commitment next year.
if you pray, please pray that the right thing happens for me... whichever one it is.
in the next month or so i've got infinite meetings and practices and things to do for the insane amount of events i've got coming up. you don't even want to see the list. let's just say that in the weather pattern that is my life, hurricane katrina just hit new orleans. prepare for chaos.
college: year 1,