Jul 21, 2005 20:57
I'm feelin' waaaayyyy cool right now. I read today for seven--count that, SEVEN--hours straight today and definitely finished Harry Potter. Cover to cover in seven hours, baby! Yess...
Oh yeah. Hot tub party was effin' fabulous. Completely amazing, if you ask me. And that's all I have to say about that. Because what happens in the hot tub stays in the hot tub. At least where my livejournal is concerned. But I will say this: I make reallyyyyy good strawberry daquiris and margaritas. Non-alcoholic, because I'm a good girl and if I messed with alcohol my dad would skin me alive.
Anyway, I still feel awesome. It's like I'm on this high of achievement even though I barely talked to anyone all day...and the contestants on Jeopardy definitely don't count. Because I definitely yelled at all of them today. Haha. It's weird, though, that I don't feel like I wasted today. Maybe it's because Harry Potter is sweet. And all the while I was reading the book, I pictured the guy that plays him in the movies. Because he is hottttt. I have a thing for brown-haired guys. With the exception of Logan from Gilmore Girls. That guy is smokinnnn.
OK I'm done. Adios Amigos! :D
neighborhood lovelies,
summer oh five