Dec 19, 2006 10:17
josh and i took a new video of jonah last night. his eyes are squinty, but they're open. we're trying to get him to go to sleep because he's fussy...
so the new video is all jonah all the time, and it's up on my myspace profile and josh's.
in the next few days, the doctors are going to give jonah steroids and trial him off again. they've been postponing it day after day to try and give him more time to rest. if the steroids don't work, that's their last trick in the bag.
so last night we met with who we would consider our angel doctor, dr. maneesh. we had The Conversation. in case you don't know what The Conversation is, it's pretty much where we had to ask what would happen in the event that the steroids don't work. that conversation lasted a good long time and it was very difficult. we hope that we don't have to let jonah go, but that is very much the way jonah is heading currently. the past few days have been really difficult for him, no matter how much sedation and pain medication they can give him. his brave eyes and his tired face are starting to show great discomfort and exhaustion. josh and i are NOT giving up on our little guy, but rather adjusting our expectations. if it makes jonah happy to stay, we'll be there for him every damn step of the way. no matter how long it takes to recover. but if he would rather go and come back in a healthy body, we'll have to support and love him for that decision too.
it won't be an easy week, so please just keep us in your positive thoughts. we need as much love and support and good energy sent our way as possible. we don't want to say goodbye to our little guy... but maybe it would be a "see you later" instead. but we hope we don't have to do that.
<3 becky