It's ten to 3, this is the worst I've overslept in my life. hahahaha. I have to go to church in 3 hours, and I'm probably gonna have to ditch my friend who's going to a jazz show. Lame.
I did have some wicked dreams, though.
1) I was in some weird Watchmen universe ... I was some kind of
Rorschach, and I was carrying an important briefcase with a mangled hand attached to it. I'm running around in the dark trying to evade some government agents trying to catch me, but because I'm Rorshach, they're having trouble. But I'm also trapped. Then all of a sudden, my secret father Rorshach (totally random, not actually in the real watchmen) shows up with one mangled arm missing a hand, and he removes his mask revealing a sultry Tom Cruise face. Apparently, he's my father. I give him the suitcase and we both disappear into the shadows. Cut scene to a highway chase, where I'm driving around and evading everyone. I lose the cops, and I enter a Dunkin Donuts drive thru (which is probably spurred by me telling everyone yesterday that Tim Hortons in the US was trying to compete with Dunkin Donuts). I see all my DOTA buddies, and we're all having dinner there (who has dinner at dunkin donuts?) All the servers are assholes, so the lines are super long, so I go to the bathroom to check on my mask and stuff. Then, I leave, and I want to get a donut, and all my DOTA friends are in line, so I just kind of budge in there. But when we try to go back to our table, it's been taken over by Sarah Palin and repertoire. Lamesauce!!
At this point, I woke up, and it's 12 Noon. I write it all down, and I go back to sleep.
2) This time, I'm with my family, the San Jose family. We're all rich and well-off now, and my parents are retired and I guess my brother and I ran out of ambition. We apparently live in San Francisco now, and we're getting ready to go on a yearlong boating trip, so we take our boat and we ride it down the hills of San Francisco in the hopes of getting to the beach (I don't know how much of the boat we damaged or how many people we ran over). We get to the beach by nighttime, but it's super dark, but there are SO many people on the beach. The beach doesn't have sand, it's all gravel, so my parents tell me to go find an area where we can sort of embark. I fast forward to us being at home, in this big big big house by a river that connects the entire world. My parents are telling my Uncle Ogie how to lock up the house and how to take care of it and stuff, and we got a new, bigger boat (like seriously, this is like a cruise liner boat) and me and my brother just sort of explore. It's got a huge navigation console, and some crazy looking fishing poles in the back. There are tables and junk for people to sit in, and seatbelts and lots of stuff. It's really really cool and vivid. But then I hear yelling, the boat embarks, and I wake up.
I love vivid dreams.
Edit: I remember one other part -- (this is the part that actually happened in real life) This girl told me on MSN who she liked and started going out with, and that I told her that he was cool and I approved of him. In the dream, she was telling me how crazy she's gotten with her new boyfriend, how much of a lightweight she is and stuff, and it turns out to be some other guy that she ended up with that I don't really approve of. And I wonder why she lied to me about who she started going out with, but apparently she didn't, and so I'm really confused. And I end up driving to UBC without my parents' permission (I don't have my N yet) so I turned off my cellphone to avoid their wrath.