It's been a long while

Jul 10, 2008 01:07

let me know what you think:

(Sorry my formating is off, ignore the spaces between lines when they're indented...)


They ask me what life is.
I look at them dumbly
and I think to myself
I don't know what life is.
I'm only half through it.
I know what sex is
I know what hate is
I know what a ham sandwhich sounds like
looks like

But I don't know what life is.
There's a blonde next to me.
She knows what life is.
She knows what it's like when you can't afford the nice club
She knows she can barely afford
the apartment her parents pay for

She knows what it's like to be beautiful.
She can tell you what a ham sandwich feels like
tastes like.

And I really think she knows life
better than me.


we've been
going at it
for three hours.
This shy redhead
from Belvidere.
She steals a streetsign
while i smoke my cigarette.
She hates that I smoke
I love her
She hates that too.
she's drunk
she throws me down
on the bed.
"you don't have to be careful,
I'm not made of glass

and i'm not a virgin"

But she is.
Sure she's been fucked
but she doesn't get it
And that makes her a virgin.
I take off her top
Apparently I can't break glass.
Let's see if glass
can break me


Cody was a
pimp on the corner.
He'd tell all of us how he
knew the streets, the girls,
life. He knew life and how
to play it. But the truth is that
those that know life never say so
And we understand our lies need bigger
Foundations than the simple honest truth.


I was ab
out to do
my first p
oetry rea
ding and
i was so
nervous I
decided t
o do a bu
mp of coc
aine and I
realized th
at I was b
leeding fro
m the nos
e and i sa
w the gu
y before
me and
i knew i c
ouldn't ble
ed from th
e heart lik
e him so i
got up the
re and dec
ided that I
would sho
w them wh
at my blo
od looked
like and i
saw that i
was just tr
ying to be
and i hop
e that guy
is still out
there blee
ding beca
use my bl
ood was m
ade of corn
syrup and
red food co


Girl, 17 years old.
she loved me

Girl, 19 years old.
she loved me

Woman, 24 years old?
she didn't love me

When you're older
(not necessarily by age
but by being)
....that's when you want the girls.
When you wake up 8 years later
and realize all your life you've wanted
a finally realize you want a girl

And you're too ugly for the girls

And too old for the women.


I want to see your
bones boil in gold
so I can make them into
a necklace.

I want to feel your
screams rip my skin off

I want to feel
pure hell.

I want you to suffer

I want you to feel like
I felt when you
never left.


yes... I am that immature

I may be a decade past highschool

they tell you you'll grow out of it

they tell you you'll grow up

But we never grow up,
we just get better at hiding our malice behind



proper society





Behind it all, we still
hate that guy for being better looking
that girl for being more popular
ourselves for being so doubting

or her,
for breaking
your unbreakable heart
your ancient heart
your purple heart that's been through the war
and didn't think it could trust again
and again
and again
...and despite it all,
it'll do it again after this.

War really is hell.
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