You Don't Get Enough Sleep
You definitely don't get enough sleep, and it's turning you into a mental zombie!
You need to get more sleep, starting tonight if possible.
Avoid caffeine, keep a regular bedtime, don't watch TV before bed, and sleep in complete darkness.
Do You Get Enough Sleep? So, I took my SATs on Saturday! It was really wierd. I think I might of done really well. Huh. Wierd. Tomorrow I have a math test that I will fail. And I'm definitely failing Chem. AHH!! I have to get a REALLY good score on the next few tests/labs.
So recently I joined I must say, I had my doubts but it is SOOO much better than myspace. It's really fun and addicting actually. I should probably take a picture of myself.
JUAN's BIRTHDAY!! AHH!! I think me and Becca are doing a mural of just a bunch of memories we've had with him here. I'm gunna be really upset when he leaves to go back to Mexico.
I really need to start looking at All-State music. Huh. And I need to pick an EE Art Topic! I really needa get crackin' on art. AHH!! I'm so stressed. I hate it. But yeah so I really can't wait for the 5th Harry Potter movie or the 7th HP book. When that last book comes out I will CRY. SOB. DIE. Hehe... but yeah, I've like grown up with the backdrop of Harry Potter and when his story is done... it'll just be so pathetic for us all. I'm definitely going to Barnes and Noble again to wait in the 1000 person line. Heehee. But yeah, I must say Daniel Radcliffe with his haircut is a LOT hotter than 4th movie lion mane hair.
But yeah I get NO sleep. I should probably be sleeping write now since I'm getting a little sick but I can't help it. I can't go to sleep! So sad.
So no one even looks at this. I think I might just drop it and go to Facebook and live there. But I actually know people on there so I can't just act all crazy like on LJ. Huh. I need starbucks. I'm pissed. My mom so promised me she would take me to *bucks after SATs and she didn't. Then she said she'd take me at night and she didn't. Then she said she'd take me this morning and she didn't. I NEED STARBUCKS!! I'm childish I know... but I can't help it. I'm addicted.
So recently I think I've gotten over my crush! Wow, that was fast hehe. But yeah it was actually quite pathetic because (ooo, when I said pathetic it sounded like English accent like Harry Potter and the lady that spoke the directions for the SATs) on friday my best friend was gone cuz she wen't skiing and he was like... "When's she coming back?" and obviously the answer was "Tomorrow" so I said it and he was like "Yes! Good." Pathetic little people. Wow I think I might be a little bitter about my life. I hope nobody ever reads this. I'm writing this at the risk of all my friends reading and ridiculing me. AHHH!!