(no subject)

Jan 22, 2007 21:12

You Are 39% Vain

Okay, so you're slightly vain from time to time, but you're not superficial at all.
You are realistic. You know that looks matter. You just try to make them matter less.
How Vain Are You?

Chem test tomorrow. Ergh. Sometimes, our teacher might be just a bit crazy. We're all dying of stress and ignorance and he still stands there trying to teach. Frustrating sometimes.

Um... my bf and crush went out for coffee today... with her boyfriend. Interesting, eh? Too bad I wasn't there to observe when I was meeting with a teacher. Darn.

I really want some more coffee. For Christmas I got like 3 gift certificates for STARBUCKS. I <3 Starbucks. And yay! I changed my layout. It's pretty cute don't you think? No, I don't have ADD.

So my friend Pearl just got a bunch of really cute stuff from Taiwan cuz she has relatives there that send her stuff. Too bad my family doesn't know what cute is! >.< I would really like some cute pencils and stationary and random stuff too.

So today in the morning my mother and father were absolutely horrifying. My bro and I woke up 5 minutes late and were late for our bus stop. And my mother wouldn't send us to the next one cuz we woke up late! We were sitting there saying that we needed to go to school and being good children and our dad came in and he said that we need to write a frickin' contract to say that we won't wake up late again. What kind of pointless logic is that? I was so pissed off and was really sarcastic in my contract which was somewhat amusing. Then I was all happy again. Maybe I am bipolar. Huh.

Then during lunch I had Student Council. Our president this year is not doing a THING. Argh. Same for Class Council. In Stuco, the head of my committee got commended for an activity that I totally did ALL the work for. It pissed me off. Not that I wanted all the attention, just that she shouldn't have gotten it. But for Prom in Class Council, we're doing a Moonlit Masquerade! So exciting huh? We're deciding the color scheme on Wednesday. But since I did interior design, I might have some ideas. But they have to be pretty classic and medieval as well. But I found this AMAZING website - http://www.colourlovers.com! So cute - They have users who find really pretty colors and then make palettes and name them. Really gorgeous combos sometimes. Other times... not so much.

Warm ice cream. My *friend* told me he wanted to eat it. Um... gross.

So in choir, we're doing a solo spot for a music convention thing in Denver. It'll be pretty exciting and pretty much like New Yor in Carnegie Hall last year. I can't wait. But it's so frickin' expensive. And I have all-state choir soon and I have NO IDEA what the music sounds like. But it's okay, I'm good at sight-reading.

Okay, gotta go and do chemistry now.

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