Just goes to show you that my view of "good Mood" is slightly askew of what others think.. oh freaking well...
Your Soul is Black - Depressed, angsty,
distrusting. Life has sent you on one dark
ride, and you are having some trouble getting
back on track. Don't lose hope, you have to
keep with it. Everyone must expierince pain
(some more than others), but you have to be
strong. In every life some rain must fall
before the sun.
What Color is Your Soul? {8 results + artsitic pics} brought to you by
Quizilla Prettty picture, I wonder if i'll ever take ones like that?
or make them i suppose
Laterz yall too much starbuck in too short a time.. and i need to sleep anyways. Jeff;s at work (or atleast on his way) and i have been up too long again. Night night to all my um not so sleeping friends in cali, it being almost 10am there.
And yes i know this doesn't count as a real post but sue me.. i've been very weirdly tired the last couple of weeks and i'm wondering if i need to go back to the hospital to have them draw blood ( stupid iron count) yeah yeah yeah, I me the person writing this journal actually practicaly offered to goto the hospital and have them poke me with needles and steal away my iron deficient blood... big fucking whoop.
I'm disgruntled
love you all byebye now.