"I'm in a car underwater..."

Oct 16, 2009 21:09

 Our dorm room flooded today.

Dani and I were in our room. Michael had already left for class, so it was about 12:30-1:00. We had finally decided to work on school stuff when there's a huge bang and then more noises start coming from the heater, which is located between the window and my bed. Smoke starts coming from the top of it, and we moved my bed away from it and opened the window because it started to smell. Dani said she was going to go find somebody, and I was supposed to stay there and keep an eye on things.

It's a good thing I did, as when I looked back at the room after she left, I noticed footprints on the floor. I looked up even more and noticed a huge gush of water flowing out from under my bed and into the center of the room. Panicking, I try to get all electronics off the floor--my chords, Dani's fan, as well as other stuff that I saw that probably shouldn't get wet. I feel bad since I forgot about Dani's powercords. I was too busy focusing on stuff I could see.

Since when Dani left it wasn't leaking, I ran down the hall and to the front desk to make sure they knew there was water involved, too. Apparently Dani and Tony (the woman in charge of maintenance, I guess) took the elevator, because Dani wasn't there. I ran back up to the room where Tony was sprawled over my bed, trying to turn the water off. She was really impatient and sort of snapped at us for not having a wrench or anything to get it to stop. As if that were our job, but whatever. I guess she was just stressed.

She finally got the water to stop gushing from the pipes, but there was still at least an inch of water on the floor. It spread into the hallway and into the neighboring rooms. The people to the right of us only got a little bit of water, as they don't really share that much of a wall with us. The neighbors on the left, though, got about as much water as we did apparently. That must have even more freaky for them, since at least we heard the pipe burst and knew where the water was coming from.

We got as much stuff out of the way as we could, piling it all on beds or in the closets. Dani was being much more productive than I was, but I think part of that was because it took the entire hour or so before class for my hands to stop shaking and my heart to calm down a bit. Plus I just don't do well in situations that involve work. If they told me to do anything I could do it, but I'm not good at initiating things like that on my own. I was afraid to get in the way, so I just stood off to the side.

Eventually they brought in this big vaccuum type thing to suck the water up. I got a picture of that. It was amazing how long it took. Our room still isn't dry, and it smells horrible. They have fans in there overnight to try to help dry it out. They moved me and Dani to the ping pong room down on the first floor across from the laundry room. The girls in the other flooded room are in the music room down the hall. We also got a study room where we could spread out all our wet stuff so it could dry. We're going to be down here all weekend. Monday they'll know whether or not they need to put new carpeting in and what they're going to do with everything. They'd better put in new carpet. I can't imagine the room would ever smell better with that carpet in it. I went in there before to get my stuff, and I seriously couldn't breathe.

This just came at the absolute worst time. Well, I guess that's not true. It came at a really bad time. I'm already stressed enough about the thesis, and I have so much other work to do, that this was just the last thing I needed. Now I'm stuck in this mood where I don't want to do anything. I'm supposed to be doing my journalism reading, but I'm finding it so hard to concentrate on anything productive. I made some coffee and am now sitting up in my broken ping pong room bed, so I'm hoping that will help some.

Days like this I really just want to take the easier thesis and get done with this as fast as possible. I'll go home and get a job. I don't even care if it's in editing. I just want a job that will pay the bills. I figure if I can't find one on my own, I can always go work for Mom. It wouldn't be a great job, but it would be better than nothing. And I'd still keep my eye out for a better job somewhere else. I'm just so tired of school. I have some interesting classes, but i could pretty much read anything we did in class on my own. Sure, I get exposed to more interesting books in class, but that's really pretty rare. Myths of Childhood is by far my most interesting class, and I'm glad we did most of the readings we did. But I would have survived if I hadn't.

I'm just so tired of all this stress.

flood, school, laziness, fear

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