A Breath of Fresh Air

Jul 14, 2009 23:26

The past couple of weeks have been toxic; utterly, painfully, excruciatingly toxic. It feels as though I'm on a constant Speed trip, moving from one thing to the next almost seamlessly, living the minutes in a daze, with no time even think. The work seems to never end, and when it actually does, I've got my studies to worry about, which basically eats up my time until the next working day. I hardly eat anymore because I'm too preoccupied with what I need to accomplish next and sleep, the little I get, has become my only reprieve. Even those moments I have to myself, Facebook time or DS time, aren't enjoyable as my mind is anxiously anticipating the next wave of responsibilities.

It's gotten so bad that despite having so much to write about - including getting kicked around by Murphy's Law for a whole day, starting therapy with my client for Psychotherapy class, and teaching the Biological Perspective for Ma'am Cara's Advanced Personality class for the second time (because I rule) - I've been grossly neglecting my blogging duties. I can't even write down all the things I feel should be written down, not because I've got no time or am extremely lazy, but because I can't think straight with the prospect of more work on the horizon. Blogging itself becomes less of a cathartic experience and more of an additional chore.

The sad thing is I don't really have any right to complain. I was the one who chose to take 9 units knowing I'd be working 2 jobs, units that turned out to be extremely HEAVY. I was the one chose to say "Yes" to every opportunity to further my status as the "go-to guy" of the Psych Dept. I was the one who chose to take on an extra InTACT class because I felt three wouldn't be enough to satisfy my need to interact with students. I was the one who got myself into this lovely mess, so I have no right to complain. Don't get me wrong. Everything I chose, I chose because I desire them. Everything I gave my "Yes" to, I believed, and still do, to be worth it in the long run. I just didn't expect all of it to take such a toll on my physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Today was definitely a breath of fresh air.

Today I chose to stop worrying. I chose to forget, if only for an hour and a half, all my responsibilities to the Department. I chose to down enough pain-killers to numb the pain of my sprained foot so I wouldn't have to think about it (without overdosing, of course). I chose to end my studying for the Rorschach quiz early. I chose to be irresponsible for the first time in three weeks so that I could have coffee with Eileen.

Needless to say, it was the best "coffee" I've ever had. Ever. Period. In recent memory, at least. Definitely. Yeah.


Thanks Eileen. It's been a while since I've had such quality, non-work-related cognitive stimulation. ☺☻☺

With that, going back to workaholicism wasn't so bad. Even the prospect of a quiz less than 3 hours later, which comprises about 40% of our Rorschach grade, wouldn't faze me. That little breath of fresh air gave me enough of spring to get me through the rainy season. It brought just enough sunlight for me to have hope for better days.

Man, why'd I choose Psych over Philo!?

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