Jul 13, 2017 22:06
I know you don't read this anymore. But sometimes, I feel afraid to peek into your life, and that's stupid. Through all the pictures you post, shuffled among memes, and other things, I can see that you have happiness. And a part of me is genuinely happy for you. But then, I compare where you are with your life, versus where I am in mine, and it makes me angry. Well, jealous, really. And I know that comparing my life to yours is like apples to oranges and all that. But I look at pretty much everyone else that I know. I should be farther along in my life than I am, right? I should know what I want out of life and some kind of direction in order to get there, right? I feel like I should be something, and I'm not.
I know that if you have read this, and most of my other posts, I seem to just drone on and on about this uncertainty in my life. But the fact of the matter is, is that I am afraid. Scared that I will never amount to anything. Scared that my life has no meaning, and when it is over, I will not have left a lasting impression on anyone. That I never mattered, and that I never will. Of course, you'll never read this. You'll never know that my fear paralyzes me in a way I don't fully understand, and that all the chances I have been given had been thrown away. I don't even know what I want in life anymore. Or maybe I never knew what I wanted to begin with.
I don't even know if I'm making any sense. I want to love, and I want to live. I want to be happy, and I want to be cared for and cared about. I want adventure, and I want freedom from my current state of existence. I want to understand, and I want to be wanted. But I also know that maybe I'm not meant to have all of these things. Or really any of these things and now I feel like I'm typing in circles, and I'm sure it's frustrating.
Oh well. No sense in typing about it now. I just wish I had a do over.