20 Callie facts

Dec 16, 2008 17:38

Stealing from Kristen because I'm bored....and since I'm feeling a lack of creativity about this, some of my facts mirror hers.

Here are the rules: Write a blog with 20 random facts, habits, or goals about you.

1. I am extremely cold natured. I'm almost always cold unless I'm in bed or in the shower. These days in the office, I usually wear 2 t-shirts, a sweater, jacket & a scarf. They keep it at about 68 in here...that's so cold. If I could decide, it would be at least 72.

2. I live in the north bay area right now with a 34-year-old Turkish accountant & I'm working an internship that I don't especially like...I want to move back to the south or to the east coast....even though I hate the cold.

3. I consider myself pretty fidgety and orally obsessed. I'm usually either biting my lips, the insides of my cheeks, my fingernails or chewing on something.

4. I pretty much always wear a necklace & I go through phases of which one I wear most often. Currently, it's the necklace my boyfriend gave me for my graduation...it's silver with a tiny little princess cut diamond & I love it.

5. I graduated college in three years with a journalism degree & a minor in English Lit. Yes, I had a life....I just work better when I have lots to do.

6. I studied in Germany & London & worked in South Korea. I love travel...I really, really want to go to Eastern Europe (Prague, Poland, Bosnia), Scandinavia, & Australia

7. I'm an extreme lightweight drinker, and I'm kind of picky about what I drink. I usually order a glass of wine or an exceptional microbrew (ie: Flatbranch in Columbia or a Yuengling) with a meal, vodka & cranberry juice to get drunk quick & appletinis if I'm just gonna have a few drinks...

8. I always sleep with a stuffed animal...preferably my teddy bear Tah Tah, which I've had since I was 3 months old. My mom bought him for me for $5 at a wal-mart in Longview, TX.

9. I consider myself a cat person, but when I get my own apartment, I really really want a dog...just so I won't be so lonely. I really want a goldendoodle or a regular golden retriever or a yellow lab mix or a scottish terrier...but I don't plan on being picky. I want to adopt a puppy from a shelter...

10. I'm a terrible cook. I don't really like cooking for myself. I can bake a few things, and I think I would be better at it if I decided I care. I also refuse to touch raw meet....

11. This is lame, but my whole life I never really wanted to get married - or I wanted to wait until I was really old...but now that I'm dating Alex (for 14 months - longest relationship of mine so far - yikes) I could see it happening in the next few years, and I think I'd be okay with it.

12. I have one of the worst senses of direction in the history of forever. I don't know how I found anything before I had GPS on my phone.

13. I love the internet. I've been obsessed with it since we got it when I was in fourth grade. I've had a website since I was 10 and my current favorite obsession is twitter & also multimedia news in general...wherever it is.

14. I hate doing laundry. When I have all of my clothes with me in one place, I can go at least 5 weeks without doing any....I have a lot of clothes....I just hate the process.

15. More than anything, I consider myself a writer. I've written fiction since I was about four and it's one of my biggest passions. I'm almost always writing something and it's my goal to publish a YA novel someday in the near-ish future.

16. My biggest pet peeve is people cracking joints...I especially hate it when people crack their necks. It makes me extremely anxious to be in a public place where people are cracking & popping things.

17. I appreciate art, but I don't consider myself exceptionally visually creative. I have a decent eye for photography & design, but I can't draw AT ALL. My favorite form of art is probably sculpture. I also really like alter pieces, which is random & I've recently grown to love acrylic painting....and tried my hand at it...

18. I don't have very many movies / TV shows on DVD, but the ones I have, I have because they put me in a good mood & I know them by heart. I generally have either a movie or music going in the background.

19. People I met before my sophomore year of college call me Callie. People who met me after that call me Caroline. It can be kind of confusing for people if they don't know both are me.

20. I don't play "real" video games, but I really want a wii just so I can play games like guitar hero, DDR, and wii sports!
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