I'm so juvenile, sometimes. Remember
this entry? Of course you don't, that's why I included the link and have quoted the relevant part heah:
On the way home, I was flipping through the radio stations, and I came across this HILARIOUS song. It was part boy band, part rap, part soul (think Luther Vandross), and all funny. I mean, some of the lyrics were "Hop, skip, jump, do whatever you do."
The best part? It was CHRISTIAN! So they're rapping/boy-banding/souling about Jesus' love.
I cannot find the name of this song (My Google, My Google, why have you forsaken me??). But it will always be in my heart.
You know you can't count out Google. I found the song and downloaded it with Kazaa. It's called "Holla" and it's by some band named Trin-I-Tee or something like that. Besides being hella amused by searching for the name "Holla" on Kazaa and getting lots of DMX and such along with the answer, the song is still funny!
Wanna hear it? G'ahead and download it [you might have to rename it to .mp3; I took off the extension because I think work snoops on MP3 downloads]:
heah t'is.