I feel like shit. Just thought I'd share that with you.
Name 3 Bad Habits You Have:
1. procrastinating
2. jealousy
3. letting whoever I’m with take advantagee of the fact that I’d do pretty much anything they told me too because I care too damn much, when I hardly EVER get that same respect in return (it’s a very rare thing).
Name 3 Things That You Wish You Had:
1. more stability
2. my own place
3. more security
Name 3 Scents You Love:
1. Javier
2. matches
3. winter
Name 3 Things You'd Never Wear:
1. I
2. Don’t
3. Know
Name 3 Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. Was that a cramp or a contraction?
2. Why do I fill these out?
3. I wonder how my babe’s doing.
Name 3 Songs You've Listened To In The Past 24 Hours:
Name 3 Of Your Favorite Singers/Bands:
1. I like too many bands
2. ..
3. ..
Name 3 Things That You Have Done Today:
1. Went to work
2. Picked up Bri from school
3. Turned a box that once held my stroller/car seat into a house for Bri.
Name the Last 3 Things You Have Bought:
1. Jack in the Box
2. Gas
3. Gas
Name 3 Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. water
2. juices
3. the occasional soda
Last Person You Hugged?
Last Thing You Laughed At?
Last Time You Cried?
What's In Your CD Player?
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
What's Under Your Bed?
The boogie man
what time did you wake up today?
Current Hair?
Crap brown that still has traces of black, some blonde, little red
Current Clothes?
black pants and a red shirt
Current Annoyance?
A lot of things… I’m just irritable right now.
Current Desktop Picture?
My man and little man (too cute)
Current Worry?
Oh, I’ve got plenty…
Current Hate?
My mother and her schedule.
Last CD You Bought?
Cypress Hill… I hardly ever buy cds… hell, I hardly ever by myself anything besides gas and food.
Favorite Place To Be?
Least Favorite Place?
anywhere alone
If You Could Play An Instrument?
I’d like to play the piano (I suck). I play the clarient and sucka t that too. I wanted to learnt o play guitar but realizied I’d proabbly suck at that too so I gave up.
Favorite Color?
black, green
Do You Believe In An Afterlife?
How Tall Are You?
Favorite Season?
Favorite Day.
I don’t really have one. I suppose Javis day off. Every other day is pretty much the same.
Where Would You Like To Go?
*past 48 hours*
01. cried: no
02. bought something: yeah, gas and lunch
03. gotten sick: no
05. eaten: yea
06. been kissed: yea
07. felt stupid: yes… while trying to open the damn stroller
08. wanted to be invisible: while watching Bri, yea… then she wouldn’t be able to bug me.
09. met someone new: nope
10. moved on: I don’t really have anythign to move on from
11. talk to an ex: no
12. missed an ex: no
13. talked to someone you have a crush on: I have no crush
14. had a serious talk: somewhat
15. missed someone: yes
16. hugged someone: yes
17. fought with your parents: ah but of course. Me and my mom always fight about something…
18. dreamed about someone you can't be with:
01. who is your role model: don't really have one
02. what are some of your pet peeves: complete ignorance, shitty drivers, hypocrites, people with a complete lack of respect for anyone, one-sided relationships/friendships/family relationships/anything
03. have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: who hasn’t? or maybe it’s just cause I never had the balls to confront anyone?
04. have you ever cried over the opposite sex: too many times
05. do you have a "type" of person you always go after: someone attractive and intellgent who has the same intrests (for the most part). I try to go for nice guys but usually end up with an asshole (NOT including my Javier… referring to past relationships… almost all of them).
06. rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship. I don’t have “hookups.” I never saw the point. Then again, I love serious relationships… just the type of person I am (a handful).
07. want someone you don't have right now: yes… he’s at work or on his way home
08. ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yes
09. do you want to get married: Yup
10. do you want kids: no shit?
11. do you believe in psychics: yea, sometimes
12. do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: Yup. Though the last time I thought that (without voicing it… just as a thought that crossed my mind), he turned into an ass and ended up leaving me.
13. are you happy with you: Sometimes
14. are you happy with your life: Eh… I have a lot of good things going for me but there’s a lot I’d like to change.