Okay, a personality test. Watch Love Actually and tell me where you fit in. Every archetype is in there somewhere, so no excuses if you can't find at least some part of yourself.
It was an exhausting week. I love my work, but it takes everything I've got and sometimes more. I've got to use my brain -- all of it -- and then I've got to deal with financials, corporate strategy, client relations, and occasionally, the client or two who I'd really like to take a long walk off a short pier. (Mercifully, there are few of those; I'm very lucky. However, I do occasionally describe my clients in terms of the Four Sons: the Wise, the Wicked, the Simple, and the One Who Does Not Know to Ask.) The good news is that it looks like I will be getting some patents for my clients, and I'm happy about that.
So here I am on a Sunday night. A week ago, my lighting designer and my housecleaner got very friendly and decided on their initiative to completely re-do my bedroom. With my consent, 2/3 of my old clothes went into the Goodwill pile, and I finally got a few minutes to take that pile to Goodwill. I also went on a Very Exciting trip to buy lightbulbs, and then spent a little while putting up some more lights. I know, excitement of excitements, but I haven't been able to do anything but work or sleep for the last week, and so it's nice to tend to a few other things. I also made myself cook dinner -- nothing fancy, but also a nice start.
Finally, I decided to switch myself off, and so I'm sitting here watching Love Actually with my dog sprawled out on his cushion at the foot of the sofa.
katchoo_granger says that I'm the Hugh Grant character, and that I'd be dancing around the house at the slightest opportunity. However, I've always identified strongly with Mark, the guy who suffers silently with his love for Juliet and shows up at her doorstep on Christmas Eve with a huge flash card that says "To me, you are perfect."