(no subject)

Jun 29, 2005 17:52

we're young and so in love.

From the attendance window to now. There has been a major history.

He absolutely loves me. And he woke me up, and i love him tambien.

he never gave up on me.. ever..
 for those of you who don't know ryan to well, or just know the obvious things about him.. aka.. he's been in juvie.. he got kicked out of valley, he was a freakin alcoholic. hes like.. a million things more. He's the only guy i know that can handle me.
 <333 which by the way is hard. He will love me.. no matter what. UNless. i cheat.. or if i were fat. ;D. but um.. he's the sweetest most real guy i've ever met. He is a genuine guy.. he's not typical.
  • he can make me laugh all the time.
  • when i think about him.. i smile.
  • i never get tired of being with him.. or around him
  • i can look at him and just stare.
  • i have to catch secret glimpses of him
  • when i have a dream about him..it makes my whole day good.
  • i can go somewhere totally lame with him.. and make it fun.
  • he makes the best out of every situation.
  • he has the best eyes. ever.
  • i can imagine him in my future
  • he's someone id like to introduce to everyone i know.
  • he's a christian..
  •  I cant fall asleep at night because i think about him so much
  • he always keeps me guessing.
  • we tease eachother all the time..and we wrestle a lot.
  • he always says "bless you" when i sneeze.
  • he truely cares about me, and he knows exactly what i would and wouldnt do
  • He knows me better than I know myself.
  • He always makes the first move.
  • He makes me warm when I'm cold.
  • He knows how i feel without me saying it.
  • He's the greatest friend, and wouldnt let anyone go down alone.
  • He holds on to things that mean a lot to him
  • His little sister clarissa loves him, and she likes me a lot too.:D
  • His mom hates me.. and my mom hates him.. but that never matters.
  • When he smiles.. i smile 10 times bigger.
  • He gets hyper.. a lot.
  • he has 4 smiles
  • we have stupid inside jokes.. that we can laugh about
  • he's greatful for everything he has in life
  • he has the best laugh
  • he cares about me.. when no one else does.
  • he makes me feel safe
  • We fall asleep next to eachother.. and he watches me sleep
  • when im tired ill lay my head down on him.. and he'll kiss my head.. and tell me to go to sleep
  • he'll call at 3 am just to talk.
  • we're totally comfortable around eachother.
  • He's better than the guy i prayed for.. better than the dream boy that i made up
  •  he's my everything.

 <33 elise

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