I AM Shannon Winter:
There is far much beyond what I can sum up. There is no possible way one can fully understand me. I am so oblivious to the world around me, because I live for life. I am not bothered by politics or anything going on around me. I am human; you are human; we are human; that is all that matters.
Words are more powerful than any weapon I believe, just learn to use them right.
Love is my strongest power: and I am most charged when I am in love.
So we are all aware, I believe in Asexuality, Pansexuality, Bisexuality, Homosexuality, Heterosexuality, LOVE.
Final Note: There Is Nothing More I Love In The World Than Making The Love Of My Life Smile x.
Inspiration is how I THRIVE.
I prefer to live my life to what I feel is full. I enjoy each breath I am able to breathe, and am extremely thankful for that capability.
Maybe I'm A Shot In The Dark, When You're The Morning Light.
Friends Only.