Reaction Post: Torchwood; Season 2; Episode 1

Jun 08, 2008 04:28

Season 2
Episode 1

by how_iconic; how_iconic; krazykate2; nightingaledies; torchcreativity; krazykate2

This is, and has always been, one of my favorite Torchwood episodes.

It starts off with the Torchwood team, minus Jack, in a car chase with a blow fish-alien thing. Oh, come on, how much more awesome can you get in the first five minutes of a new season? Especially Torchwood, who's first season was brilliant AND it's a spin-off off Doctor Who, which is absolutely fantastic.

Cue Jack's return and John's appearance. John is, quite possibly, one of the coolest almost-villains. I never could consider him a complete villain, though I've never been entirely sure why. John asks for their help, kisses Gwen with paralyzing lipstick (yay future) and knocks her out of the game, shoots Owen and punches Tosh, and then throws Jack off a building. Yup, great guy, eh?

There were plenty of Owen/Tosh moments and it was wonderful to see Owen become a bit less of an ass. And even stand up for Tosh a bit, but mostly the lack of assholeness. This is where I start liking Owen again.

Jack/Gwen moments were squee worthy. As a Jack/Gwen fan I was quite happy. Jack and Gwen have a private talk after she somewhat stands up to him. And then he discovers her engagement ring. Ouch. Flash forward to the meeting where she once again stands up to Jack and he backs down.

And Jack/Ianto, too. Ianto is cold and collected, while Jack is a little less so. Jack asks Ianto out on a date and it was adorable. And flustered Ianto was flustered. And really, really cute. I want a mini-Ianto to keep in my pocket along with the mini-Tenth and mini-Rose. Just because.

Ianto kicks ass in this episode, hands down this episode was his. Hm, Jack, who can, quite literally, survive anything (though not without pain) or the rest of the team, two of which are slowly dying. There's such a choice. But it's a hard choice for Ianto to make.

Gwen is also awesome in this episode, though she spends far too much of it lying paralyzed in a container. She had rather obviously taken control of the team, if not the "on the go" side. More on the "everything else" side, which, if Owen took control of the "on the go" side then they would have made a hell of a team.

John is rather obviously surprised to see the Torchwood team. And then Jack, who he was sure was dead. He's obviously thrown off by it and then attempts to go back to his cocky self. It works only after a good five minutes.

John gets a bomb attached to him and everyone is highly amused. Ianto counts down while Owen and Gwen make jokes. And then he handcuffs himself to Gwen. With less than ten minutes to go, as the timer started at ten minutes, Gwen decides that the only way to save everyone else is to sacrifice herself.

I take it back, it's as much Gwen's episode as it is Ianto's. She kicks ass on a major scale in the last ten minutes. The last minute rescue? Doesn't work so well. Not at first, at least, but when Gwen finally says that she has to go and Jack, rather obviously displeased, helps her pull John up... the bomb comes off. It goes in the Rift and everyone is saved. Yay. Except for the girl John shot and the guy he threw off a building. Not so safe.

They all run off and the Rift reverted to the moment John came through. John and Gwen are still connected via handcuffs until John oh-so-cleverly reveals the fact that he had the key all along, in the lining of his throat. He then proceeds to flirt with Gwen only to have her smile and punch him. You gotta love Gwen, she's so semi-sassy but all time cool. <3 The entire team reacts in various was, Owen moves back, Ianto winces and asks for a reminder not to get on her bad side, Tosh stares, and Jack laughs.

<3 Team Torchwood

John asks for a spot on the team and Jack refuses him. Then he kisses Jack goodbye and leaves with the message of having seen Jack's long-lost little brother. Which Jack promptly sweeps under a rug, despite having disappeared and reappeared. Gotta love Jack's habit of sweeping everything under the rug. :D

All in all, a great episode that had me gasping and urging them on during the first watch. And then giggling like an idiot the second time around.

#torchwood, torchwood: season 2, episode 1

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