~Thirty-Ninth Spectacle~

Apr 29, 2008 15:52

My, oh my... how you all change~ It's amazing, in a way, how slight tweaks can produce so much desire. ♥

Tell me, my destructive little "comrades" -- why aren't you starting~?

[Filtered to Usagi]Miss... Serenity, was it? ♥ I hear tale you with to kill my roommate, dear Karen -- well, I feat that gets in the way of my plans just a little... so ( Read more... )


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[Action] quitemysterious April 30 2008, 01:12:35 UTC
[Very much Y. This'll be a hoot]

[Itsuki, currently, is sitting on the front porch of his house. In front of him is a thick sheet of metal he found laying around and his re-enforced many a time since coming. Beside him is his metal case of various acids, powders, and other things you can make from plants he's been growing in secret. Also beside him is a syringe filled with something roughly akin to to a tranquilizer too.

Planted in bushes and the like along the way towards his house are low-strength bombs left over from his experiments before the takeover of the facility. His almond eyes look carefully out past his metal... in glasses. Yes, Itsuki Koizumi is wearing glasses. He claims his vision's gotten a bit sour since his "revival" -- he's also wearing a weird bracelet on his left wrist

Those bombs are due to blow up as a result of him pressing a little button at his side, but not due to a signal -- he didn't have time to rig that up. Rather, it'll make a whistle which'll cause the one Filial spirit that listens to him, a mighty, mighty spirit of illusion and wind, to press the switches on the bombs himself.

Naturally, this spirit has also made and illusion of Itsuki's location -- in truth, he's some five feet to the left of where he'll appear to Usagi. All of this is wearing on his skull.. but he thinks this'll be worth it. A pity his guns never stay together any more when he makes flintlock pistols -- likely a trick of the Malnosso]


[Action] themoonuplifts April 30 2008, 01:23:36 UTC
[Usagi skipped happily to her destination, Itsuki's place. She was fully transformed with her crystal glittering on her wand. If she beat Itsuki, she giggled, if she beat Itsuki it'd mean she was smarter than him! Prove that stupid, stupid human whose the boss and then kill that stupid, stupid red-head.

She glanced around cautiously, the skin on her arms tingled with goose-bumps, before spotting the illusion Itsuki up ahead. She smiled a dazzling smile and waved. She couldn't help but think how easy this was going to be.]

[ooc: On a side OOC note, Is Itsuki's illusion, too, surrounded by such metal?]


[Action] quitemysterious April 30 2008, 01:48:15 UTC
[[ ooc: But of course -- he's going to have a total migrane after this. ♥. He sucks with using his spirit energy-efficiently and he hasn't slept for setting this up. ♥ ]]

[Itsuki, and therefore his illusion, smirked back. There were three bombs out there... one of which was in a bush about three feet to her left. He grimaced slightly, and flipped the switch, urging the spirit to detonate that one. This one was mostly shrapnel -- bits of metal, nails, pieces of glass, the works -- which blow out in all directions from the force of the explosion -- which might also set the bush on fire.

Hey, if he was lucky, this might do it -- but he sincerely doubted that would happen]


[Action] themoonuplifts April 30 2008, 01:58:19 UTC
[Usagi screamed in shock the moment it went off but was able to, instinctively, create a barrier to protect herself. The moment it was finished she let down the barrier, tears filling her blue eyes. She glared over at the illusion before pulling off her tiara. It began to spin round and round in her hand before she threw it, guiding it so that it cut threw a tree before making it's way toward the illusion.]

[ooc: Poor Itsuki~ ♥ I'm sure he'll get over the migraine, though, after Karen decides to show her ... appreciation~ XD]


[Action] quitemysterious April 30 2008, 02:06:55 UTC
[Why not increase the illusion? To Usagi's vision, it missed the illusion!Itsuki's head by a few centimeters, crashing instead through the wall behind the illusion. Of course, it missed the real (invisible) Itsuki by far more than that. He needed to get her the move though...

His head really hurt though -- he had another idea, but he didn't want to waste it just yet]

[[ ooc: ...Lol, the thing is, Itsuki really isn't sure what she means. ]]


[Action] themoonuplifts April 30 2008, 02:18:18 UTC
[She seethed silently before stalking forward, the crystal on her wand glimmering gold as she prepared to hurl an energy ball at him. She needed to hurry up and kill him so she could go play with that red-head.

Usagi kept her blue eyes peeled. She couldn't see anything wrong but something told her to remain on her toes. That is, until she tripped over a rock and landed flat on her face.

Goddammit! That acts up at the worst of times, really.]

[ooc: Really? XDDD Love Itsuki]


[Action] quitemysterious April 30 2008, 02:21:40 UTC
[CHANCE! He tosses one of the little mini-bombs at his side -- a smoke bomb -- at Usagi. IT also includes a loud bang, so it might make her concentrate on her barrier or something, because he takes that moment to move the real him. His temples throbbed for maintaining the illusion even as he moved, but mercifully the sound of the smoke bomb covered up most of his steps. He relocated to a bush some twenty feet to her right]

[[ ooc: Well, more like he doesn't make an automatic connection like that. It's not that, in other contexts, he wouldn't get it-- it's that he can't picture it. ]]


[Action] themoonuplifts April 30 2008, 02:43:49 UTC
[She let out a wail before throwing up her shield again. It seemed that her pretty shield couldn't keep smoke out, however, and she hacked softly.

Usagi glanced around as the veil of smoke began to disperse. She couldn't understand why he did that. He hadn't even moved from his spot... A distraction? From what, though?

Frowning, she figured quietly that it didn't matter, and fired a quick burst of energy from her crystal at the illusion.]


[ooc: Oh, I see~!]


[Action] quitemysterious April 30 2008, 02:51:46 UTC
[Well shit, that left a big hole in the house -- and a migrane as he had to project himself being blow to bits. Still, that gave him to time he needed to pull a certain new vial with gas out of his pocket. He took a deep breath, and in one movement he advanced a few feet forward, allowing the sound of the ray to cover up his sound.

This vial happened to contain something fairly akin to sleeping gas. It wasn't terribly potent by any means, and she would see the glass break near her feet, but it might be enough to make her a bit disoriented.

Now he held his ground, syringe in his hand and his skull pounding]


[Action] themoonuplifts April 30 2008, 03:07:35 UTC
[She. Fucking. DID IT! Hells to the yes. Usagi was about to commence 'Victory Dance: Itsuki's dead and it's cause I'm awesome' but the moment she saw the glass shatter her eyes widened. Now where the hell did ... that come from?

She swayed uneasily as she felt her eyes droop. Was this because of her power usage or ... something else? She bent down to examine the glass before glancing over in Itsuki's direction. He ... was alive? She couldn't believe her eyes.]

...How t-the hell?


[Action] quitemysterious April 30 2008, 03:14:32 UTC
You know, Usagi, you really underestimated me. [See icon for his eyes when he says that. He walks over, dropping the illusion, but still carrying his metal sheet.. and fingering a switch with his left hand even as the syringe is in the right.

Time to finish this... he plans to inject her with the syringe, which should be enough to knock her out for a few hours at least and leave her groggy for a number more. She best not resist too, 'cus his option B is removing one of her wings =|. Still, givin' her reaction time...]


[Action] themoonuplifts April 30 2008, 10:06:03 UTC
[She raises her wand in front of her, an almost evil smirk fluttering onto her face.] Now, Itsuki, I'm inclined to disagree.

[Her eyes flicker to where the illusion had been and lets out a hollow chuckle. She stands, wavering slightly, but is, overall, successful in keeping her balance (Surprise there~).

Usagi's quick to erect another shield but this one flickers and wavers. It's not nearly as strong as it should be.]


[Action] quitemysterious April 30 2008, 12:11:53 UTC
[He shrugs, and here, he's got some fear for his life -- so He's going to throw that sheet of metal at her. It's pretty thin, but it;s still solid iron, so he's banking on it breaking her little shield for now... and if not...

He'll be moving off to the left. There's another explosive both of them are barely within the blast radius of and he doesn't want to be caught if it goes off]


[Action] themoonuplifts April 30 2008, 19:21:17 UTC
[Usagi hadn't been expecting that and with her current disorientation could only stumble to the right when her shield flickered off. Luckily for her the metal sheet missed her by a few inches.

Angrily, She stomps her foot and tries to erect another shield. It flickers weakly and disappears. This could prove to be a problem for the reincarnated princess.]


[Action] quitemysterious April 30 2008, 20:41:28 UTC
My, I hate being this reckless... [And here, have him bum-rushing her to elbow her in the gut, followed by a right hook the jaw. He's not a fighter borne, but he does know some basic defense training. After this, he jumps on top of her, trying to pin her to the ground. He needs her to be more still for him to traq here, so he's kinda hopping the gas'd do it or the hits winded her.

God his head hurts]


[Action] themoonuplifts April 30 2008, 20:50:27 UTC
[Usagi falls backward with a yelp. This wasn't supposed to happen! Her blue eyes were wide as a crescent moon flared to life on her forehead as she struggled to get away. Suddenly she stops struggling and glares up at him.]

Not the smartest move you've ever made, Itsuki.

[In her right hand was her wand, glimmering as she prepared to kill them both. She would win one way or the other.]


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